James Greer medal 5000 7 years 278 days ago (edited 7 years 278 days ago)
Could it be bumped up a little? I see only 0.1 of a difference between a car with 50 & a car with 41 reliability
Reliability effects should act much like the drivers health does the lower the rating the more you lose in a race.

Dee Oldham medal 5000 7 years 276 days ago
Does reliability affect anything in the race? Is there any way to know? I guessed that more reliability caused you to use fewer parts but I don't know if that happens.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 276 days ago (edited 7 years 276 days ago)
Outside the race reliability is meant to be used to work out parts, but from what I see it's the Design buildings level that works out the costs.
My Toymotor team, 4 parts a race working on or not working on reliability. Toymotor reliability is 42, Rednote is now 61.
I would like to see Toymotor having more wear in the race, because their reliability is so low. This would force people to work on reliability and bring it more into play, Toymotor's car would get slower because it has less health, but after the race they will still have only 4 parts repair bill because their design building level is only level 7
On the drivers dash
Engine Wear percentage : Cooling is meant to affect it, in the race. But it doesn't lol
Car Wear percentage : Reliability I want to affect it, in the race.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 274 days ago (edited 7 years 274 days ago)
Rednote started the race with 100% car & engine
Toymotor started the race with 100% car & engine
Reliability for toymotor got a +5 from R&D so it was lower in the race than it is now

Dee Oldham medal 5000 7 years 273 days ago
So from this we can see that reliability has no effect on the engine or car wear. And apparently no effect on race speed unless having more research areas "in the gray" affects speed in some way.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 273 days ago (edited 7 years 273 days ago)
All gray gives a boost in performance yes. maybe the race viewer doesnt show everything that it does in the race sim. but it would be nice to see Toymotor having higher wear since they dont have as good of ratings maybe their car would drop to 48% car and 35% engine in the race. forcing them to work on these areas.
But the team are just what they say they are, a toy motor lol level 15 team with level 8 design, DRS & Boost and thier drivers are not yet maxed out.

Dee Oldham medal 5000 7 years 273 days ago
How do you know all grey affects speed/performance ?

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 273 days ago
because I saw it in action, Pro all gray with one red, Elite all red with one gray Same Numbers. Pro car with dummy drivers was faster than the elite car with good drivers. Does that not point to all gray gives a speed boost?