Sam Leo medal 5000 7 years 269 days ago
Parts and Engine usage not the same per race so value of token not the same i think
I mean we use up 20 (maybe more) parts per race. Engine is just one so they can't cost the same tokens
Maybe we can lower the value of parts or can increase the value of engines too.
I would suggest double the value of engine and lower the value of parts to 1/3 ;)

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 267 days ago
"I would suggest double the value of engine" oooooof have mercy
Though I agree the token cost for parts is astronomical as it is now.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 267 days ago
You can save on tokens by watching 10 video ads per day on mobile for free parts.

Daniel Schupp medal 5000 7 years 267 days ago
It's a bit different if you consider how many you actually need. With slightly less than half reliability at level 15 I needed 272 and 276 parts per season. That's quite a lot more than the 32 engines indeed. But in the same time I got 255 parts and 20 engines for 20 races. So I'd have to buy, without using the ads, 17-21 parts and 14 to 16 engines per season which is actually not that much of a difference and fits quite nicely to the prices of 1.25 parts per token and 1 engine per token I think.