Alessandro Bonifacivs medal 5000 7 years 270 days ago
When doing practice from yesterday i get the message "ooops... problem".
Can't properly prepare the car for the race that will start tonight at midnight.
Very sad :(

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 268 days ago
Hi Alessandro, is this still an issue?

Martynas Simutis medal 5000 7 years 267 days ago
Hello. Today i have change the league. Prewiuos was 1 car league now is 2 car league.
And i'm not able to do test laps for 2nd car. I vetting message thes is so problem. Plus on top of it for my second car is showing that i need to repair it. But everyting on repair screen showing for bouth cars full bars.
As vell on home screen showing that need to fix my car.....
Team name XpointLT next race is @21:00 uk time

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 267 days ago
Martynas Few things you could try.
On computer. Press Ctrl+F5 when you are on the home page. Swap the drivers over & reload the page & then swap them back again & reload the page.
On Phone/Tablet. Clear the app cache, Swap the drivers over & reload the page & then swap them back again & reload the page.
It sounds silly but it might just work.
If the new league you joined is a earlier time than the old one that maybe the cause of the issue, can only race once in 24hrs

Martynas Simutis medal 5000 7 years 267 days ago
Thanks James. That's helped.

Chris Louth medal 5000 7 years 263 days ago
Your game is unplayable again.

Simon Thornes medal 5000 7 years 263 days ago
Me also
Doing what James suggested above worked, not had this issue before. I think the Ctrl-F5 did the trick

N Llens medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
i've the same problem, every day, in every driver and every test lap. i sooo frustrating.
and the same problem without message but freezed and don't make the lap

Marcel Kaput medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
Almost the same problem here. I training setup nothing is comming back and then the oepsss pops up. Also the results arr not good the say the wing is to high and i set it on 1 and its stil to high. Very strange. The day after the setup it say's its too low. Have to buy tokens for the ideal setup. Other wise i will not have the right setup. This is very frustrating.

Joe Hassert medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
same problem. been an issue for about 3 days now.

Lee Clark medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
I've had the problem on and off for a few days now. Today seems to be the worst so far.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 7 years 262 days ago
We are looking in to it. I'm able to do a bit of work now at a temporary location. I will be moving on in a few days to my new home, but apologies for the tardy replies lately.
For now I recommend when this happens to wait a moment and then try re-loading the next race page. It may have updated with the lap time. The issue is that it is too slow to update in most cases, so the check times out.

Lee Clark medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
That's what I was doing. Right now it's not working. Setup response is coming back but with no time set, no fuel used etc. Impossible to setup the car based on this info.

Joe Hassert medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
that was the issue the last few days. today im getting an error and cant even run a test at all

Gary Collyer medal 5002 7 years 262 days ago
This problem has re-turned or still there from earlier.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
We could leave if a few minutes but it doesnt always update with numbers.
Highlighted times are the ones that changed from zero for me

Tim Ingroville medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
Yup me too totally unplayable has wrecked my race ctrl+5 restarting browser/different browser didnt cure.

L Williams medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
Ive Been having problems for seting up and im getting a bit sick of it now. might just stop playing.

Ayrton Senna medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
impossible to do a setup....

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 262 days ago
Reducing the number leagues running at the same time, has to be the only answer, from 18:30 to 23:30 it's having big problems but other times very little problems. At midnight I can do setups flawlessly.