Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
Everyone Welcome Spain GP. Lagged out in the middle of the race and can't rejoin.

Jason Mcrae medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
this is becoming rather boring now different day same old problems with new ones thrown in for good measure.

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
It says a lot about the game when every day, players worry more about the viewer's many issues ranging from late race starts (which happened again), to the viewer plainly not working, than about the race itself.

Allan Perry medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
This game is becoming more unplayable. Not only can we not get viewer open BEFORE race starts but now we get thrown out hallfway through race. Not funny. (everyone welcome - Spain GP 18:00)

Isaac Bratcher medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
My race just started and it says it finished.

Leo Yeo medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
Yep we regularly get the terrible "race has finished" lie when we try to join
Or the "problem loading race" messeage. I just want to know what the "problem" 45 mangers in our league and our league alone is experiencing

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 7 years 235 days ago
Sorry to hear this, we are doing work behind the scenes right now on race issues to understand it and get on top of it. I realise it has been going on for several days in a row and it has clearly been a very bothersome experience for some. We're putting all else aside to focus on it.

Jason Mcrae medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
Does that mean all race tonight are not running. as my 7pm race isnt working.

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
Apparently in our league's pro tier, they were able to view the whole race, and I suspect rookie may have had their race run without issues as well. So far only those in the elite tier have expressed issues.
The go to race button is still flashing for us too.

Nico Bredenhann medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
Our race started at 19h00 and the race bigged out 4 laps before the finish but now the game is stuck it does not show who who won keeps saying race is now live for almost 3 hours now.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 235 days ago
And two days ago when I mentioned the instability of the race viewer Jack was adamant that it is so much more stable than old iGP. That's good because I dread to think how bad the game would be if we had an unstable race viewer.
Jack, you're running a serious risk of turning people away with the frequency of outages. How many leagues are you now having to support where non of the managers are active and is this what's ruining the experience for those of us who have stuck by you for years?
BTW... What's happening about MJL which should have run half an hour ago?
Frustrated and disappointed are the two words which best describe how I'm feeling right now.

Allan Perry medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
would just like to point out that Everyone Welcome elite race , which started at 18:03 this evening , is apparently still running now at 23:04, some 5 hrs later. Will it have finished intime for the 18:00 race tomorrow?

Rodrigo Dalmas medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
Same here, something has to be done!

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
The race started at 20.00
When I tried to watch live, i couldn't, it didnt work. I checked in later, and it said maintenance was going on. Now im trying to see how my drivers did, but it is saying the race is still going on. The watch live button is still there. When I try to wacht live, loading stops, saying the race has finished.

Stefano Torretta medal 5000 7 years 235 days ago
Same problem here, and it still don't work