Dennis Van den Burg medal 5000 7 years 233 days ago
We have problem with the weather announcment .
For the GP of turkey tommorow , its says today sun with 23 degrees in celsius , and tommorow sun with -18 degrees celsius
I think its not ok.
Sorry for my language....

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 7 years 233 days ago
This -18 number shows up when the weather fails to update. This is either because the weather station failed or the network failed when fetching the information from the weather service. We will see if there is anything we can do to improve the reliability of this, but otherwise there is not much we can do.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 232 days ago
Singapore is sunday weather here in iGP?

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 232 days ago
The real world weather stations you have are not supplying you with live updates? They switch off and recycle data?

Leslie Oldham medal 5000 7 years 231 days ago
Japan stuck on 37 degrees. Ever since maintenance weather is stuck on some abnormal temperature.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 231 days ago
Very true we had 37 partly sunny with cloud in Japan & weather undergound site was telling me 26 & wet.

Leslie Oldham medal 5000 7 years 231 days ago
Monoco has been stuck on 25 degrees for two days.

Gary Collyer medal 5002 7 years 229 days ago
Brazil race was 12c yesterday, but every weather website & app said it was between 21c-26c in real life.
Weather is definitely a bit weird at moment.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 229 days ago
Can confirm Bahrain has been a steady 96 Fahrenheit (IMPERIAL, OH YEAH!) for 2-3 days.
35,36 in Celsius.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 7 years 228 days ago
Sorry about this, it should be fixed now

Vance Sim medal 5000 7 years 228 days ago
Having Hungary today and temps are the same as on Google, accuweather, and similar to the wunderground station.

Sandeep tiwary medal 5000 7 years 228 days ago
just concluded Italian gp was wondering i saw 21 deg while racing saw it was 30+

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 227 days ago
How are things looking currently? Is the weather behaving better now in-game?