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Broken League

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medal 5000
7 years 230 days ago
League: Full Race F1

In the league tab, I can see everyone who was in it during last season and I mean EVERYONE. People who joined and got kicked, 50+ in Rookie, 30+ in Pro, 20+ in Elite.
What is more, on the top of the list in Pro, we have 17/16 players. I assume, relegation from Pro to Rookie didn't work, becouse Thomas Dyreskov should be in Rookie now, becouse he joined Pro at 15th.
medal 5000
7 years 230 days ago
What is more, I can't check standings for all seasons anymore. Actually, I can't even check standings from last season.
medal 5000
7 years 230 days ago
hello today we finished the league and when the game prepare the new season rookie was bugged and put 40 people.....
medal 5000
7 years 230 days ago
These problems are the same and could be made into 1 thread!
medal 5000
7 years 230 days ago (edited 7 years 230 days ago)
Could someone please have a look at this issue that both our league and this one ( seem to have. If this is not fixed before the next race is supposed to start I don't know what will happen.

The new season is not correct in display as well as last season. And the option to look at older results is gone.

Thanks in advance!!!
medal 5000
7 years 230 days ago
Could someone please have a look at this issue that both our league and this one ( seem to have. If don't know what will happen.

The new season is not correct in display as well as last season. And the option to look at older results is gone.

Thanks in advance!!!

yes i have the same problem
medal 5000
7 years 229 days ago
Any news on this?
medal 5044
7 years 229 days ago (edited 7 years 229 days ago)
Merged 8308 into 8307.

Sorry about the delayed response. I've been working on organizing all the threads, e-mails and Facebook messages that need help into a new system, representative of creating a task or support ticket that Jack and I can both see and have documentation for so we don't lose track of anything and allow ourselves to work at a better pace.

What I'm trying to say is, I skipped on responding so I could come back today to say that I am now reporting the issue by creating a ticket. :)

I need some information, are you guys not able to kick these extra players out? I don't have the ability to see inside private leagues or who their hosts are. Can your leagues' hosts kick the excess players out who aren't supposed to be in the league? Or are they like 'ghosts'?
medal 4919
7 years 229 days ago (edited 7 years 229 days ago)
They're like ghosts. It's really weird. My league just finished a season yesterday and we have the same issue. It shows all the drivers that have been kicked from the league and those that were promoted appear in two categories. Also, the points from last season are still showing. (league:

A side issue, perhaps related, when I go to the standings tab, I cannot view past seasons [edit: saw that the others mentioned that as well]

[edit: Let me know if you need a picture. Otherwise I'll leave the information here as is.]
medal 5000
7 years 229 days ago
I can't kick them too. In activity tab there are only people who suppose to be there.
I've changed league to be public again, so you can see what is going on, hope it will help.
medal 5000
7 years 229 days ago
in clasification we see the right people but in league no
medal 5000
7 years 229 days ago (edited 7 years 228 days ago)
So an update on this problem:

When you go to the league tab: you see the problem described above with all the ghost players.

When you go to the Standings tab, you see the actual players that should be in the league for coming season.

Now we found the problem in the pro league where we have 17/16 players for next season.
Only 1 players was relegated from pro to rookie but 2 players were promoted from rookie to pro.

We know which player should be relegated from pro to rookie, since he joined just before the race.

Hope you'll find a solution soon

Best regards,

medal 5000
7 years 228 days ago
Mateusz Dziedzic should be mobed to Rookie and to prevent more than 48 players in this league, Jay Jay Withington has to be kicked, becouse he was last player who joined when I changed the league to public to alloe you guys to work on the problem.
medal 5429
7 years 228 days ago
Any updates regarding this problemo?
medal 4919
7 years 228 days ago
Problem update: We just finished the first race of the new season and the league tab is still showing all the drivers and points from last season. The standings tab is showing the current season, but still don't have the ability to see results from the past.
medal 5000
7 years 228 days ago
The standings from last season showing on the league page is something I'm seeing in a number of other leagues as well.
medal 5000
7 years 228 days ago
So most leagues can start their season and wait for fix later.
But we have even bigger problem. We have 17 players in Pro and everyone are active there, so noone has a reason to be kicked. What happen when we start a race like that? Could you make one relegation I mentioned in post #13?
medal 5044
7 years 228 days ago
I have submitted the issue, when Jack has a chance he will comment.
medal 5241 CEO & CTO
7 years 228 days ago
I believe I've found why this was happening and uploaded a fix. It won't repair the standings for leagues where it already happened, though. For that I need to write a separate piece of code to loop through the leagues and fix the standings.
medal 5000
7 years 228 days ago (edited 7 years 228 days ago)
I believe I've found why this was happening and uploaded a fix. It won't repair the standings for leagues where it already happened, though. For that I need to write a separate piece of code to loop through the leagues and fix the standings.

Hi Jack,

Great news you found the source!

Just a question about the issue with the 17/16 players in Pro. Can you perform the changes as requested by Sebastian in post #13, only Jay Jay Witchington already left the rookie league himself, and John Lloyd joined in his place, so he should be removed from rookie.

So we can at least start the new season with all players where they belong :)

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!
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