T Qih medal 5000 13 years 32 days ago
I reduced my staff, and at the moment I reduced there it was a debit, but here it comes my question.
If I reduced my mechanics from 60 to 8, why did I had to pay almost 500k money in wages if I already payed last race?

Lord Alexander Fermor Hesketh medal 5000 13 years 31 days ago
Its very chep tp fire people within iGPmanager. I think its far too cheap. I can fire a chief designer any other week for 100k.
That should cost 2 millions. As it says: Pacta sunt servanta - Contracts are to adhered.
So should firing mechanics and engineers (those are human beings too) be even more cost intensive than it is.
You paid compensation for firing them, T Qih. ;-)