Anton Anton medal 5000 7 years 182 days ago
I have been playing this game for a view months now, with great pleasure, and I have some needs, ideas and suggestions. Now the last thing you guys want is another list of nice to haves so I will focus on a view want haves. From my point of view that is ;)
Being focused on development and winning I want to learn and understand what happens during a race so I can develop my team. Although there is a lot available which I can use in my own log I really would like to have some more insight tools to do this.
1. Sometimes I cant view the race due to agenda priorities. What I really miss here is the possibility to view back the last, say, 3 races on a moment I have time at hand.
2. When I go through te last races I can get a lot of data but I miss an overview how each race developed. What really would help is a lapchart of each race.
3. After each finish of the race there is, after the first login, a pop up screen. In here you can see, ao, what your objective was, how you did and how many XP's you have earned. After passing this pop up you cant get back this screen. This is also something I would like to have at hand at any later moment then only at my first post race login.
This is my top 3. Any thoughts?
Example of a lapchart:

Dhia Akhsya Revananto medal 5000 7 years 181 days ago
Hey there,
Those are really good suggestions for the game, especially for advanced players who compete on Elite tier.
One other thing you may have noticed is that we can only see sponsor objectives (which may surprise you if you're doing well enough in your league) just few minutes before the race starts so we don't have time to change our strategy on last minute to score the goal... kinda bummer, I have to say.

Anton Anton medal 5000 7 years 179 days ago
Thnx. Then again; why would you change your strategy after knowing the objectives. One thing you always want is to go as fast as possible, right?
Talking about strategy and setting up. One more wish for on the list.
4. When setting up the strategy for the race now and then I want to swap the chosen strategy between the 2 cars. Sometimes it just makes sense to do so because one driver is quicker then the other driver on some tires. So a single button who triggers this action would make live a little nicer.

Anton Anton medal 5000 7 years 158 days ago
I found my answer on my 3rd wish. There's a url for the latest race review:
Found it in one of Joey's manuals. Thnx for that Joey!:)
Would be nice though if there's a button somewhere to re-pop it. For now I am happy :D

Rory G. Rojas medal 5000 7 years 158 days ago
1 That would be cool since I would want to watch races from other leagues or tiers.
2 Lapchart already exists.
3 Ok but why do you want to get back there?
4 On live? Not nice since swapping strategies disrupts the fuel of both pilots, it is better and faster to do it manually. Although if that could be done on the strategy screen would be very cool. Also would be nice the option of saving and loading custom setups and strategies.

Skrep Junior medal 5000 7 years 158 days ago
https://igpmanager.com/app/d=raceReview here you can see ur last race review..

Oz Castillo medal 5000 7 years 157 days ago
I firmly agree to know before signing with any sponsor, their objectives to bonus payment. That will help a lot to choose the best sponsor for you. You can choose blind sponsor based on payments and revenue (thats the poiny), but if the league get too competitive and you got on de bottom, the objectives will not complete and you can't receive that money.