Henri Julien medal 5000 7 years 143 days ago
Weather - loads of wet to dry, dry to wet races over the last 10 approx days, bug or coincidence?
Ive been involved in 3 races where weather changed multiple times in same race.
Plus a further 3 races were the weather changed once during race.
That’s 6 changeable races in 10 days.
Has something changed with the way the weather works or s bug or just complete coincidence but I never see anything like it in terms of so many.

Dhia Akhsya Revananto medal 5000 7 years 143 days ago
Hey there,
The game uses real-life weather, so for example, if you race in Spain and the weather changes mid-race, that's because the weather in Spain indeed changes in real-life.
So for the question about whether it's a bug or coincidence, it's the latter. (At least that's what I learned from playing this game)
Cheers and have fun!
P.S. I'm not a staff.

Gary Collyer medal 5002 7 years 143 days ago
Yes i know it uses real life weather but in 5+ years of playing this game on and off i've never seen anything like this, not even close.
for example its raining 10 seconds before lockdown, then after lock down the home page changes now shows its Dry but when u load race its still pissing down, then sometime between lap 8 and lap 12 it then stops raining or vice versa if it was dry at lock down then wet on home page after lockdown but not raining at start of race then change to raining during first stint, thats happened 4 times in last 10 days (very symmetric)
and some races in last days are just chaos with it raining then stopping then raining then stopping then raining....

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 143 days ago
It isn't enough conclusive evidence to just go off of having multiple races with rain recently. I recall maybe two years ago in old iGP one season I had there was rain for about 4-5 races...but I've only ever raced 3 times per week.
To really present it as an issue I think you should document the weather before and during each race you participate in for a while, you can document it in the Notes managers have available on the home page. If you see the trend continue then post back here. Make sure you include things like what race it is, how many millimeters of water is on track and how long the rain continued, when it stopped, and if it had already been raining, when or whether it stopped.

Frank Thomas medal 5000 Moderator 7 years 143 days ago
I had a season lately where the weather changed 3 or 4 races during the last 15 minutes before start. But it was clearly coincidence because the weather went in line with the real data from weatherunderground, just with the usual delay.
Yesterday the race in Hungary was also weather chaos with rain on iGP showing but only cloudy in training but wet track, rain at start, rain stopping around lap 18, rain starting again around lap 33 and finally stopping around lap 63. But also it went along with real life data.
The only problem I see is that practice most of the time can't decide on which conditions are now at the track and always changing between rain and no rain when reloading the page or doing a lap.

Henri Julien medal 5000 7 years 142 days ago
Ok Yunus, was mostly just seeing if anyone else had noticed anything but knowone else has posted here, just didnt seem quite right to me but i'll keep an eye and make notes in future. cheers.

James Greer medal 5000 7 years 142 days ago
Only issue I see, is the amount of water on the track surface, it changes far too quickly. The race speed settings shouldn't amplify the weather it should still remain in real time speeds.

Chris Morris medal 5000 7 years 142 days ago
I noticed that but if the app uses real weather with, I believe, a 15 min delay then that's what it is. For all race I check weather forecasts for the circuit. There are plenty of sites online that report this on an hourly basis, and some if it rains give a forecast on precipitation, so as long as you've allowed for your time difference you can quite accurately know how the weather is going to be.