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Hard Tyres is the best cold weather?! (Temperature 9-10 C and 1 box, fuel halftime) Joke!!

What do you think about this problem?

18.75% (18)
not important
31.25% (30)
17.71% (17)
huge problem
32.29% (31)
unreal races
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medal 5000
7 years 119 days ago (edited 7 years 119 days ago)
I think that this is a huge and relevant problem... The hard tyres is the best... For example: The weather is really cold but the hard tyres is the best option... Really weird... I would like to ask the makers that they will have to solve this problem. In my league a player have won continously, but your car and racer isnt the better than my car and racer.
medal 5000
7 years 119 days ago
In my opinion this is unreal... You cant use suitable the hard tyres when the weather is really cold... The tyres temperature should decrease continously.
medal 5011 Super Mod
7 years 119 days ago
I really understand your point. And I can add that when it's hot we just can't put SS in some tracks because they keep warming, so It would be OK if hard tires couldn't get ideal temperature, just to make more realistic.
medal 5000
7 years 119 days ago
I really understand your point. And I can add that when it's hot we just can't put SS in some tracks because they keep warming, so It would be OK if hard tires couldn't get ideal temperature, just to make more realistic.

Actually in my league have no tactics... for instance: Everybody use hard tyres in 9 celsius. I tried to use super soft - soft - super soft... unnecessarily...
medal 5000
7 years 119 days ago
Europe Gp... Short Box, 28 laps, my tactics: 3 pit (S-S-S-S) Temperature 15 celsius. Result: Third place and fifth place. Winner: Hard-Hard... no tactics.
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
You lost because u pit 3 times in a 28 laps race.
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
he pit 3 times because that is arguably the fastest strat in Europe. He lost because he used S(softs) instead of SS(super softs) in every stint lol!
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
What are his drivers' stat?car stat?your car wear compare to his,tire management,DRS and KERS usage,DRS and Kers level blah blah...
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago (edited 7 years 118 days ago)
he pit 3 times because that is arguably the fastest strat in Europe. He lost because he used S(softs) instead of SS(super softs) in every stint lol!

Sorry!!!!!!!!! I used Super Softs :D And in my opinion the fastest strategy in Europe is three super softs because pit is really short.
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
What are his drivers' stat?car stat?your car wear compare to his,tire management,DRS and KERS usage,DRS and Kers level blah blah...

My level is 10. Drivers, DRS (10 level), KERS (10 level) skills is very similar. My staff is better than his, because I have a chief designer is level 10, and my advantage accelaration... His chief designer 9 and advantage is stability/reability. So my staff and cars better than his staffs and cars. The drivers is really similar. My Drivers talents are 18 and 15 and staminas 13- 16. His drivers talents 20 and 14, staminas 20- 16. I undarstand that talents and staminas most important skills but I dont understand that hard tyres and 1 pit strategy why better e.g. British Grand Prix than Soft or Super Soft Tyres and 2 pits. In my opinion If you use hard tyres and 1 pit strategy your car is overbalance (14-15-16 laps fuel) than my car. FACTS that hard tyres dont use suitable when the weather temperature 9-10 Celsius... Hm?
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
:D I think that Everybody who select "not important" problem, dont love in real Formula 1. :) Bravo! The temperature is really cold but you use a hard tyres... :) Shame.
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
Viktor, ez ennek a játéknak az egyik hátulütője... Nincsenek jól megoldva a gumik... A közepes nem ér semmit (nem is használom már vagy 2 hónapja) és az időjárás sincs összhangban a gumikkal. Náluk ugyanígy nyert valaki 16 fokban 1 kiállással kemény gumin. Aztán az utolsó futamon 26 fokban nem tudtam felmelegíteni a kemény keveréket!!! Végig full push volt neki adva és mégis... De ez már régi probléma. Nem tudnak vele semmit csinálni...
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
Viktor, ez ennek a játéknak az egyik hátulütője... Nincsenek jól megoldva a gumik... A közepes nem ér semmit (nem is használom már vagy 2 hónapja) és az időjárás sincs összhangban a gumikkal. Náluk ugyanígy nyert valaki 16 fokban 1 kiállással kemény gumin. Aztán az utolsó futamon 26 fokban nem tudtam felmelegíteni a kemény keveréket!!! Végig full push volt neki adva és mégis... De ez már régi probléma. Nem tudnak vele semmit csinálni...

Igen, csak így semmi értelme a játéknak :D megtankolja a srác a 28 körös versenyen 10 fokban 16 körre a gépét... és körülbelül már a 7.körben jobb szektorokat tud elérni mint én a 10. körben pedig, amikor én már gumit cseréltem: gyorsabb :D Azért ez nonszensz. 10 fokban fel sem tudná melegíteni a kemény keveréket, arra kellene legalább 7 kör. Folyamatosan süllyednie kellene a kék tartományba. Mellesleg mint említettem megtankolva mint az állat. És azért fentebb tisztáztam: nem jobbak a srác pilótái, konkrétan ki van maxolva a KERS és DRS szintem, maxon van a kutatásom, jobb a vezető tervezőm és technikai igazgatóm mint az övé, és vágod a srácnak van azt hiszem 525 pontja nekem 275 és ezzel vagyok a második... 2 futamot tudtam nyerni, a tag meg körülbelül 12őt. Nem lenne baj ha Bahreinben nyer, mert 40 fok van, de így... És a vicc, hogy 6-an vagyunk az elitben és most már javarészt mindenki így versenyez... egyedül én nem az egyik pilótámmal. Gondolj bele 12 pilótából az elitben hóban-fagyban 11 versenyző a Harddal tolja :DDDDDDDDDDDd Az azért nevetséges. És ha belegondolsz teljesen megöli a taktikát, az időmérőnek jószerivel semmi jelentősége nincs, azon megy a taktika, hogy a 15-16-17.körben áll-e ki a boxba és, hogy mennyi kers-t hagyott meg :D Ez így rémunalom
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
Viktor, ez ennek a játéknak az egyik hátulütője... Nincsenek jól megoldva a gumik... A közepes nem ér semmit (nem is használom már vagy 2 hónapja) és az időjárás sincs összhangban a gumikkal. Náluk ugyanígy nyert valaki 16 fokban 1 kiállással kemény gumin. Aztán az utolsó futamon 26 fokban nem tudtam felmelegíteni a kemény keveréket!!! Végig full push volt neki adva és mégis... De ez már régi probléma. Nem tudnak vele semmit csinálni...

Igen, csak ha nem csinálnak vele semmit lassan elérünk oda, hogy elég lesz 2. gumikeverék :D Super soft és Hard... hiszen a soft szabadedzéseken is minimálisan gyorsabb csak a hardnál ami röhej!!! a Mediumot soha nem használom, az használhatatlan
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
You lost because u pit 3 times in a 28 laps race.

Even though I think there is a problem with tires, I agree with that.
To my mind you lost because you made 3 pit stops instead of 2.
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
You lost because u pit 3 times in a 28 laps race.

Even though I think there is a problem with tires, I agree with that.
To my mind you lost because you made 3 pit stops instead of 2.

I think that the fastest strategy in Europe Gp 3 pit (4 supersoft) because the pit is really short. But this is a concrete sample. The huge problem is the hard tyres use better than other tyres in the cold temperature (9-10 Celsius)
medal 5084 Super Mod
7 years 118 days ago
:D I think that Everybody who select "not important" problem, dont love in real Formula 1. :) Bravo! The temperature is really cold but you use a hard tyres... :) Shame.

It's a game.
In real F1 there is no refuelling, you have to use 2 tyre compounds, they ALWAYS run 100% race distance at 1x speed, there are safety cars, there are accidents, qualifying runs across three rounds, the circuits are different, KERS recharges every lap, some circuits have more than one DRS zonè etc. So how can you say that just because hard tyres in this game have different characteristics to real life that anyone thinking this isn't a problem therefore doesn't love real F1?
Check out some of the top managers in the best leagues and you will see that 2 stints on hards is not always the winning strategy.
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
:D I think that Everybody who select "not important" problem, dont love in real Formula 1. :) Bravo! The temperature is really cold but you use a hard tyres... :) Shame.

It's a game.
In real F1 there is no refuelling, you have to use 2 tyre compounds, they ALWAYS run 100% race distance at 1x speed, there are safety cars, there are accidents, qualifying runs across three rounds, the circuits are different, KERS recharges every lap, some circuits have more than one DRS zonè etc. So how can you say that just because hard tyres in this game have different characteristics to real life that anyone thinking this isn't a problem therefore doesn't love real F1?
Check out some of the top managers in the best leagues and you will see that 2 stints on hards is not always the winning strategy.

Ok Its a game. But the tyres problem is real... For example the medium tyres are unusable... but the hard tyres is the best option in cold weather... Do you think have no problem?
medal 5084 Super Mod
7 years 118 days ago (edited 7 years 118 days ago)
People are allowed to have an opinion, only 23% of the poll so far have said they think it's important. The other 77% may or may not love real F1 but you can't jump to the conclusion that they don't based on the fact they don't think it's important that the hard compound tyres in the game don't have the same characteristics as those in real life.
Have a look at "The MJL" Elite tier, it's one of the top 50% leagues in terms of reputation. The last time a Hard/Hard strategy won was 20 races ago, Brazil at a temerature of 23 celcius. If someone in your league is winning every race using two stints on hards it suggests to me that there is something else going on, it's not simply tyres.
medal 5000
7 years 118 days ago
I always have to resort to Hard/Hard during summer but not I think 1 stop is not THAT effective anymore. BTW #NOHALO
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