Hello, I´m having trouble with videos for free parts, I can watch only one per day, and the next day I can not watch.
The message is: There is no video available...
Can you solve this issue for me?
Thank you
Hi. I have a problem. I can't watch more videos for free parts. I can watch one video per day, and then I receive an information like "video ads are currently unavailable". Before I could watch 10videos per day. Now.. it's 1.
Can someone help me with that?
Yunus Unia Blunionmedal 5044 7 years 81 days ago (edited 7 years 81 days ago)
This issue will be fixed when we put out our new ads system. I do not have an estimate on when or how soon the new ads system will come, however I have added some parts to your account for the time being.