Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 7 years 66 days ago
And this morning Monza setup still shows the exact same behaviour as yesterday evening :-(

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 66 days ago
Now it happens again. It`s not funny anymore.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 64 days ago
Is this problem still happening?

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 64 days ago
Can't tell now, we are at Abu Dhabi where not so many chances of rain. Maybe someone else who race on some rainy track can tell more.

Léo Neves medal 5000 7 years 64 days ago (edited 7 years 63 days ago)
Bugs, bugs and more bugs, will it have a end?
After a lot bugs, today I cannot prepare my car why weather says Sunny and after a lap the system give me the results into a raining lap, it cannot be serious....
What ist goin on?

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 7 years 64 days ago
I also don't have the right conditions now to experience it, but looking at this new thread it seems the problem is still there: