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Ever thought about changing the points system?

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medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago

Well, realism quite often makes bad gameplay. 

Maybe we should have Mario Kart as a sponsor instead of iRacing then Jaap?

Or have 19 races a year - and instead of 30 euro, a 85 million euro pricetag to play. Oh, and you have to be on location all the time, so you'll fly to Singapore, Brasil, Japan and all those countries. Politics will also be added to the game, and exploding tyres. You know, Pirelli's.

I could go on for a bit but I'm probably exaggerating.
Truth is, this game isn't meant to replicate Formula 1. It does draw a lot of inspiration from it though.

But to give a better example; Gran Turismo tries to replicate reality, but it's quite boring. Especially the mandatory driving tests, that's just a chore. It's why more people rather play Need for Speed.

medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
I wholeheartedly disagree with you Jaap I'm sorry, that's not to say your opinion isn't valid I just think that it's that, an opinion.
For me personally, GT is much more fun/rewarding than say Need for Speed but if you like arcade racing then NFS is great too but I think you'll find that Gran Turismo is one of if not the most played online game on the Playstation, still to this day, YEARS after it's release, I load up NFS & it's empty...
I also LOVE the Demon Souls/Dark Souls series, not quoting dragons & magic as realistic but the game mechanics are certainly more so than your usual 'Hack em up'& the that is a prime example of a game where you get out what you put in, there are no arrows/checkpoints/objectives, its about trial & error, finding your own path & it is the most frustrating, but at the same time, rewarding series I have ever played.
I came here with a group of friends for a challenge, not to be pandered to because people (particularly gamers) today aren't able to get a sense of achievement unless the game explicitly tells them they've done well or they get an 'Achievement' or 'Trophy', I came because of my love of F1, the same reason I've put hours into Football Manager & Championship Manager before it. I get a huge sense of pride from finishing 11th if I know my car should only really finish no higher than 20th, I spend an inordinate amount of time going over the small amount of data & various figures that I've amassed during my 33 races. This is what I enjoy, knowing that I scored points because I put the effort in & had a plan, if you aren't scoring points this season focus on next, hell if you wanted you could have a 100% car for the following season & paste the competition, I strive to be consistently competitive.
Again, this is what I get from the game.
There is nothing wrong with wanting something different, but unless Jack comes on here & says explicitly that iGP is going to become some Farmville-esque, Arcade pile of tripe that has no basis in reality & will purely cater to the 'Casual' gamer, all I asked was that those of us who prefer a challenge & take enjoyment from the Sim nature of the game are considered too. My suggestion of giving managers the tools to customise their leagues how they see fit was meant to serve as a potential solution to the problem & at the very least put it in the managers hands.
If you don't want hardcore rules then join another league, we all take it seriously in our league but it's still fun, there is a fantastic amount of banter & everyone chats & talks throughout the race.

Your other points are ridiculous & have no basis in this discussion
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
Hi all

It boils down to what this game is to each and every one of us...

The game is iGPmanager and occasionally used the F1 simulator tag line,

Some of us here are big F1 fans and completely accept the number of point giving places reaches only so far down the grid.
If game orders teams by finishing places without point scores in the same way the back field teams are in F1 currently - you already have a reason to keep going.

If the game chooses to step further away from an F1 simulator;
either in its entirety or as a option in the league set up (think of all the other possibilities of you could have custom leagues) then the number of point giving places can be adjusted to fit.
Very happy to consider a NASCAR style league, and as a fan of actual GT cars I’d love to see something based on GT3 etc
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago (edited 11 years 206 days ago)

Sorry but I have to say you have opened the most common can of worms relating to driving games; (well maybe 2nd to GT5 vs Forza)

Preference for one of NFS or GT is the biggest stylistic indicator of the type of game they are looking for...

Having just got NFS Most Wanted for Free (PSN+) I can say I enjoy the range of cars and accessibility of the game

But find it frustrating as compared to GT5 in terms of completeness and achievement,

What is clear is that iGP has set out its stall to be something - if the customisation isn’t there to make it what you want,

Then I hope you can with the help of the right group of people find enjoyment in its current state

EDIT - Just checked and find you’ve been enjoying this game for some time - and successfully as well, so I can understand the desire to grow the game, but let’s work creatively and positively to do so – rather than random outbursts....
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
I think this is an interesting debate.

I don't see that anyone has had an outburst, so let's stick to the point
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
I'm just very honest about what I think. I never said Need for Speed is a better game, maybe you should read my post again.

I just think using 'realism' is a dreadful argument to make against changing the points system.
It's for the sake of gameplay, not what's real and what's not.

Using 'I like a challenge' is a better argument, one that actually makes sense.

medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago

If you don't want hardcore rules then join another league, we all take it seriously in our league but it's still fun, there is a fantastic amount of banter & everyone chats & talks throughout the race.

What league? The one you just joined and did no races in yet, or the one you just left, where you won 15 of the 17 races. Talk about a challenge.
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
+1 Edwin.  As more people contribute then there are more ways of looking at the issue.

I do tend to go with the thinking behind always giving a reward as that is what society expects now.  I am not in total agreement with this philosophy but that is how it is so must accept the change.  If people are leaving because they do not feel they are achieving something (no matter how small) then they will leave and this has to be addressed by the devs.  The fact that the game is meant to be an F1 simulation is not accurate - it is based on F1, which is slightly different and allows compromises.

Anyway keep the ideas/opinions coming - as I am certainly keen to know what people think.
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
I joined at the same time as 5 of my friends, another 5 followed thereafter, there was plenty of challenge, guess I'm just better! ;)
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
The way i see it, the game uses the current F1 points scoring system.  Until a few years ago, only the top 6 in F1 cars got points (10-6-4-3-2-1) but that was during an era of poor car reliability so you would often finish races with less than 10 cars running.  This was increased to the top 8 as reliability improved and was increase further to the top 10 cars when the grid size increased with the 3 new teams.

The current F1 grid only has 22 cars starting each race so 45% of cars will get points.

For a league with 32 cars, the same percentage would result in the top 14-15 places getting points so would suit the moto gp points system better than the F1.

Do you think that, if F1 had 16 teams with good reliability, they would keep the current points system or would they amend it like they did in 2010?

Something to consider?
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
What about allowing leauge managers to have direct control over the points system? That way, they could adapt it to their choice depending on the number of managers.
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
What about allowing leauge managers to have direct control over the points system? That way, they could adapt it to their choice depending on the number of managers.

Sounds noble, but I don't see that happenings, because too much programming.
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago (edited 11 years 206 days ago)
Perhaps a happy medium (albeit involving a lot more work) could be to have 2 types of league. A 'Sim' league where the rules/regs match with real life as closely as possible & an 'Arcade' league which offers much greater flexibility/customisation?

I really like the idea in terms of it giving players something to race for but i am also a purist so can see it from both sides

My suggestion of giving managers the tools to customise their leagues how they see fit was meant to serve as a potential solution to the problem & at the very least put it in the managers hands.

This is pretty much exactly what I was getting at, give Managers the tools & let them create the game they want to play. There are leagues that run with certain rules/regs currently (eg Design Cap) but they either run on an honour system or require a lot of maintenance from the league owner.

User Generated Content, ie letting people create the leagues that they want, customising every single aspect down to the finest detail is certainly something that would add variety & improve the reach of the game.

I agree with Jaap though, it's by no means a quick win & would take a lot of effort to implement, doesn't mean we can't dream though eh :)
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
Its difficult to please everyone and I would suggest the reason for having the tier structure is to mix it up a bit.

A suggestion would be to have the points system based as in real life, but then a shadow/bonus points system for those who don't score 'normal points'? Then if someone is tied on 'normal points' the managers/drivers are then ranked by shadow points.

This would be similar to the current situation where managers/drivers are ranked by finishing positions but swapping that for points to reward consistency over the season.

I'm sure there can be many suggestions/options to go for, it guess its for the devs to decide the purpose of the game (1) to replicate real life as much as possible or (2) based on real life but edited to enhance the user's experience.

Although, any changes would mess up the hall of fame.

Edit: I like the way it currently is and see no need for change.
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago

Although, any changes would mess up the hall of fame.

Edit: I like the way it currently is and see no need for change.

Hall of Fame is heavily skewed anyway. The guy with most 'triples' has got most of his wins from his own league, just see:

Only reputation matters in the Hall of Fame and that doesn't change with a point system change.
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
Personally I think this argument is moot if the game would just implement countback like actual F1 does (a manager whose best finish is 11th ranks higher than someone who can only muster 13th).
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
James, I was under the impression that the scoring system matches actual F1 & includes count back
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
That is what I was getting at, I personally am here for an F1 Management SIM, granted we might not be there yet either but I think that was/is the intention.

But I udo nderstand that there are other needs to be catered for...whatever decision is made (and there have been a number of valid suggestions) I just hope that it will be optional & those of us who want a true to life, 'hardcore' experience are also catered for.

All in all I want this game to be successful, so whatever gets people to join & then stay active is fine by me.

in real F1, 10/24= 42% drivers get points. With more cars racing in iGP, there should be about the same % that gain points. 15/32=47% get points. 
I like the idea and it's easier to take 15 drivers for points then 13/14 because it's more used and there are already point systems for that. 
medal 5000
11 years 206 days ago
It doesnt calculate the lower positions properly. If you're in 15th before the season starts and you have no points finishes over the whole season, you remain in 15th even if you've technically finished better than other users.
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