I will have to try this on F1 2015 use the grass to slow down for corners lol
Start/Finish straight they never off the grass :| wasn't always like this is it just Turkey???
Nobodies Liveries are right to cut a long story sort & Silverstone has a few trips on grass, I will stop looking Jack has enough work to be doing at the minute :)
Jack Basfordmedal 5241 CEO & CTO 8 years 366 days ago
When you are saving your livery, are you waiting for it to upload before you close the page? It takes ~10 seconds usually after cliking save for the livery to actually change, because it gets uploaded to the server.
Also, is the livery not changing on your team profile page as well? Or does it change there but just not in the viewer?
Yes, when i save, i wait until 100% saved. The livery change in my profile page, but no livery in the viewer. And It would seem that I am not the only one
Is there any way for yous to tell if it's uploaded or not?
Strange thing is it always shows the right livery in the team page & in the image of qualifying just 2d viewer car never shows