Jason Prudhoe medal 5000 8 years 166 days ago (edited 8 years 166 days ago)
Also, the gaps of hundreds of design points between teams will become a thing of the past, as Joey pointed out above. There will be tens of points difference at most starting a season, and the report will only produce tens of points most likely except in extreme cases, once things have levelled off. These kind of jumps of hundreds of points are just the old system filtering out, and the big jumps in performance of some teams are due to them putting points where it counts for speed, while others are not.
except to new teams joining a league while starting at a base number? as in the previous league you were in, your car had over 200 points on it and moved leagues, the car reset and gave you only a few points.
i assume there is a way around this little oversight so teams can be fairly competitive straight away in a new league?
i understand that and ok with the close racing again. the point is i have no idea were to put the points as i know nothing much about setting up cars. so i will always be slow. i just fell this new igp has become more technically challenged and i will never get the hang of it.
acceleration - more points here, the faster the car will be coming out of corners.
braking - more points here, the better the braking will be in the car.
cooling - more points here, the more your car can deal with the internal heat your cars engine produces.
downforce - more points here, the great your car generates mechanical and aerodynamic grip, helps grip the car to the track.
fuel economy - more points here, the more efficient your car is at saving fuel per race and less you need per stint.
handling - more points here, the better your car can be driven by the drivers.
reliability - more points here, the greater chance of your car not breaking down.
tyre economy - more points here, the greater the ability for your car to be kinder on the tyres so they last longer during a race.