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Car Design Suggestion

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medal 5084 Super Mod
8 years 152 days ago
I still believe that the top two in the championship are awarded a number of prize dp. If not then it's very coincidental that the top two Managers in the previous championship always seem to have the strongest cars in Australia... For MJL Kimi/Joey won last season and I was second. This season I'm strongest and Kimi second, The fact that I had about 20 dp more than Kimi I put down to the fact I'm two levels above him and I have a 5* CD.
Then the rest of the field are some way behind. So in Australia me and Kimi did well, still dominant but less so in Malaysia where it rained heavily throughout the race which threw us a curved ball. Then third race tonight in China I qualify 14th & 16th and Kimi 21st & 22nd of 32.
So, if I'm right, even if you win the championship without the best car you're going to be awarded prize points and this will handicap you for the following season.
medal 5000
8 years 152 days ago
So, if I'm right, even if you win the championship without the best car you're going to be awarded prize points and this will handicap you for the following season.

Maybe that's the point. To keep 1 team from dominating season after season.
medal 5000
8 years 152 days ago
Even i started the season with best car by spending entire money on staff. But after few races other guys developed their cars getting free design points. Now i have a slower car. They beat me by 1s in practice nd 1s in qualy nd then mail comes saying our car was fastest. Now i neither have money nor car. Its total mess. I'd suggest car spying shuldnt be on total points but only on acc., top spped nd handling points.
medal 5084 Super Mod
8 years 152 days ago
Good point Greg and I don't have a problem with this if it gives more managers a chance to win. It's just the degree of disadvantage means that within three races you go from winning by a country mile to being 18 seconds behind the lead car. So basically we're now entering race 4 of 17, I'm leading both championships but I've already written the season off and are doing everything I can to minimise the initial design of next seasons car. Surely that can't be right.
I just think Jack needs to tweak espionage ever so slightly so that the effects aren't so dramatic.
medal 5000
8 years 152 days ago
I agree, it doesnt need a total overhall just a slight tweek. I was on the other side of the coin. 1st race I was being lapped by best car, by the 5th race I was winning easy and this continued for 6or7 races. But heading into the last 5 or so races everyone is now pretty even and the races are unpredictable
In my last race: practice 1,2 qualify:1,3 and in race:3,5 so now near end of season its very very close, its basically coming down to who has the better tactics, and highest level drs and kers.
medal 5000
8 years 152 days ago
Even if the intent was to let others win in alternate seasons this is penalizing relegated players at MJL. OMN arrows has the best car in Pro after being relegated but is running mid pack and lower with no hope this season. I don't think Jack really intended this as the way to allow other teams a chance at the top positions. It is kind of a sneaky way of appearing to reward a team who has won but really penalizing them.
medal 5000
8 years 151 days ago
One thing that would alleviate this somewhat is if there were more than one way to get a successful car design. Fuel economy, which Jack intends to increase in the near future will help some. But reliability and cooling need to come into play as well.

I suggest that RELIABILITY affect acceleration, breaking and down force by reducing capabilities in those areas if it is not high enough.
And I suggest that COOLING affect acceleration, breaking and reliability by reducing those if it is not high enough.

This would mean that flooding certain areas with design points would not be as beneficial as it now is and an evenly balanced car at the beginning of the season would not be such a bad thing.
medal 5044
8 years 151 days ago
One thing that would alleviate this somewhat is if there were more than one way to get a successful car design. Fuel economy, which Jack intends to increase in the near future will help some. But reliability and cooling need to come into play as well.

I suggest that RELIABILITY affect acceleration, breaking and down force by reducing capabilities in those areas if it is not high enough.
And I suggest that COOLING affect acceleration, breaking and reliability by reducing those if it is not high enough.

This would mean that flooding certain areas with design points would not be as beneficial as it now is and an evenly balanced car at the beginning of the season would not be such a bad thing.

I suggested this in open beta but even then when I did suggest it I myself wasn't sure if it could be implemented. I can't remember what Jack's exact response was in that open beta thread, but he said he would be increasing the impact of these less utilized design attributes.
medal 5000
8 years 151 days ago
Some of the coding from beta just hasn't been moved across or dropped or they got side tracked with other things and forgot to add it.

Like the car setups 1-50 it's wrote there and visible for all to see... but dry, rain, sleet or snow every setup is between 1-20 like it was at the start of beta.
Drivers fatigue in races, Reliability & Cooling just isn't switched on or it's lost in the coding somewhere. 3 very important things that will have big impacts on the game in terms of drivers health, component and engine wear.

For a 3man team with families and other full time jobs, it's not the perfect game yet, but it will get there slowly but surely. They & us should all be delighted with their progress so far.
medal 5000
8 years 151 days ago (edited 8 years 151 days ago)
One thing that would alleviate this somewhat is if there were more than one way to get a successful car design. Fuel economy, which Jack intends to increase in the near future will help some. But reliability and cooling need to come into play as well.

I suggest that RELIABILITY affect acceleration, breaking and down force by reducing capabilities in those areas if it is not high enough.
And I suggest that COOLING affect acceleration, breaking and reliability by reducing those if it is not high enough.

This would mean that flooding certain areas with design points would not be as beneficial as it now is and an evenly balanced car at the beginning of the season would not be such a bad thing.

I like it :)

Another ideas:

- NEXT SEASON: I think it's time. As managers, we need to be able to change the car for next season. Focusing, deciding where to put some design points or whatever. At the moment, we just know one strength and one weekness our CD has.

- SPY SYSTEM: it worked to reduce gaps (we asked for it, was needed and now we are having closer battles and many different teams winning races so, i think in the end, it really helped ;)
Problem: this spy system (as many of us are saying in this thread) gives the ones with bad cars too much power by giving a lot of points wich can be assinged better than the ones the best car has assigned by it's CD.
Possible solution:
- managers are allowed to assign max 10dp (+/-, i don't know) per area, per race. so, you can't have a car with 10dp in accel for the first race and 50dp in the second race, that's unreal ;)
TD should have stregth and weekness, so, we spyed 20dp but you can't use more than 5dp in TD's weekness and you can use 15dp (note this is -5 and +5 from the max allowed in the previous idea) in TD's stregth. (again, this numbers are just to give the idea)

or well, another not as good as that, but should work: spied dps, are assigned in the same areas. i mean, you spied a car with great accel (, and bad downforce, so, your accel gets increased and your downforce stays the same).

[EDIT] yes, agreed with James (this is kind of new hahaha) but i think we all agree on this, this 3 guys are doing our racing passion come true :). the game keeps improving non stop, great job guys!! you three!! gogogogo! YEAH! THAAAAAANKSSSSSS!!!
medal 5084 Super Mod
8 years 151 days ago
Agree with James, the game has improved a lot since launch, credit to the three hard working developers. Racing is much closer now which is a good thing, so thank you and keep up the good work.
medal 5592
8 years 151 days ago
There are some good ideas in this thread. I hope they could do something to improve the system.
It's very depressive to be the best one in the first race and one of the worst, after that.
The best for me is to have a great competition, but that, in our league, was only hope. I won easy the first race and the second strongest car now is winning easy all the races. It's boring. Too boring.
medal 5000
8 years 151 days ago
What does it means that an aspect is gray?
medal 5000
8 years 150 days ago
What does it means that an aspect is gray?

It is relative to the development cap for the tier you are in. So, elite tier has a cap of 100. Red is low development (probably below 50) gray is medium development (probably between 50 and 75) and green is good development.
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