dan ruglio medal 5000 8 years 151 days ago (edited 8 years 151 days ago)
One thing that would alleviate this somewhat is if there were more than one way to get a successful car design. Fuel economy, which Jack intends to increase in the near future will help some. But reliability and cooling need to come into play as well.
I suggest that RELIABILITY affect acceleration, breaking and down force by reducing capabilities in those areas if it is not high enough.
And I suggest that COOLING affect acceleration, breaking and reliability by reducing those if it is not high enough.
This would mean that flooding certain areas with design points would not be as beneficial as it now is and an evenly balanced car at the beginning of the season would not be such a bad thing.
I like it :)
Another ideas:
- NEXT SEASON: I think it's time. As managers, we need to be able to change the car for next season. Focusing, deciding where to put some design points or whatever. At the moment, we just know one strength and one weekness our CD has.
- SPY SYSTEM: it worked to reduce gaps (we asked for it, was needed and now we are having closer battles and many different teams winning races so, i think in the end, it really helped ;)
Problem: this spy system (as many of us are saying in this thread) gives the ones with bad cars too much power by giving a lot of points wich can be assinged better than the ones the best car has assigned by it's CD.
Possible solution:
- managers are allowed to assign max 10dp (+/-, i don't know) per area, per race. so, you can't have a car with 10dp in accel for the first race and 50dp in the second race, that's unreal ;)
TD should have stregth and weekness, so, we spyed 20dp but you can't use more than 5dp in TD's weekness and you can use 15dp (note this is -5 and +5 from the max allowed in the previous idea) in TD's stregth. (again, this numbers are just to give the idea)
or well, another not as good as that, but should work: spied dps, are assigned in the same areas. i mean, you spied a car with great accel (, and bad downforce, so, your accel gets increased and your downforce stays the same).
[EDIT] yes, agreed with James (this is kind of new hahaha) but i think we all agree on this, this 3 guys are doing our racing passion come true :). the game keeps improving non stop, great job guys!! you three!! gogogogo! YEAH! THAAAAAANKSSSSSS!!!