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driver's level need to be capped? what if it wasn't? NEW IDEA

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medal 5000
8 years 135 days ago
As James pointed out earlier driver training for Academy drivers proceeds much faster than you have calculated. Add in only about 40 tokens in healing your Academy driver and you are able to get a very fast driver very quickly. .

i guess we are talking about different things here. Im discussing about training after the level cap is reached, not towards the manager level.
medal 5000
8 years 135 days ago
Training drivers above your cap I understood it was meaning a lvl 10 could train a driver one and half levels above their cap with ease up 11.49 or 11.50 then anything above that it will slow the progress.

Example Dan lvl 16 & has a driver level 17 that looks like this.

Yous are just getting greedy i my opinion, honestly like just looking at your drivers ratings and you are wanting more easier.
medal 5000
8 years 135 days ago (edited 8 years 135 days ago)
well, it doesn't show you my red stars. anyway, i have three accounts and the biggest problem is not on that one heheheh. but thank you. this driver is fighting with others who have 10 more attribute points and that makes a difference. you know that. ;)
medal 5000
8 years 135 days ago
But 20 experience makes up a lot of ground your driver would leave my driver for dust even if my driver has 20 ratings everywhere else, cause mine only has 3 experience
medal 5638
8 years 134 days ago
Would it be a good idea to make it harder and harder to train the driver as he goes beyond your level? For example, at level 1 above yours he would get 5%, then 4%, 3% etc. until at 6 levels above drivers level they would keep at 1% per training session? Maybe talent could affect this somehow (give them talent/2 or talent/3 at 1 level above and then deduct from there)?
medal 5000
8 years 134 days ago
Would it be a good idea to make it harder and harder to train the driver as he goes beyond your level? For example, at level 1 above yours he would get 5%, then 4%, 3% etc. until at 6 levels above drivers level they would keep at 1% per training session? Maybe talent could affect this somehow (give them talent/2 or talent/3 at 1 level above and then deduct from there)?

i would agree with that
medal 5000
8 years 133 days ago (edited 8 years 133 days ago)
Would it be a good idea to make it harder and harder to train the driver as he goes beyond your level? For example, at level 1 above yours he would get 5%, then 4%, 3% etc. until at 6 levels above drivers level they would keep at 1% per training session? Maybe talent could affect this somehow (give them talent/2 or talent/3 at 1 level above and then deduct from there)?

i'd prefer no relationship with manager's level. that has no sense to me. sorry. i think training should be more difficult as the driver's level rise. 'training your drivers helps you to be better manager'. and not: 'being a better manager helps you to train your drivers'. :P

maybe the simulator should be uncapped. well, maybe not if the best simulator is every simulator at the manager's level. I mean, a simulator level 14 from a manager level 14, should give the same performance than a simulator level 19 from a manager level 19. lets say both are 5 stars.

at the moment a manager level 19 with a simulator being able to be level 19, keeps increasing the gap between his driver and drivers from lower levels because the simulator is capped and even the training progress is restricted.

but there is something i like on your idea, what if a driver level 19 gets 1%, a driver level 18 gets 2%, and so on... maybe level 17 gets 4% ... increasing. ?? and those numbers work if you have a 5 stars simulator. i mean same level you are as a manager.
medal 5000
8 years 133 days ago
Crazy that means level 14 has maxed out drivers and level 20 doesn't as they have 0% and level 14 14% lol

Change to contracts no more renewing, once driver has done a full season, it's bye bye. Pick up a new driver and start again that way nobody is gaining any advantage unless they are willing to pay through the nose for a top driver.
medal 5000
8 years 133 days ago (edited 8 years 133 days ago)
Crazy that means level 14 has maxed out drivers and level 20 doesn't as they have 0% and level 14 14% lol

well, 19 and 20 = 1%
14 has maxed? and 14 = 14% ? sorry what? i dont get this
medal 5000
8 years 133 days ago
Crazy that means level 14 has maxed out drivers and level 20 doesn't as they have 0% and level 14 14% lol

well, 19 and 20 = 1%
14 has maxed? and 14 = 14% ? sorry what? i dont get this

No worry, The idea is you are racing people 1 level above or below you. the way it is doesn't need changed.
Your level 16 your rivals are levels 15 & 17 forget about the level 18, 19 & 20's until you move up to then next step
medal 5000
8 years 133 days ago
oh pls James, try to be serious, don't minimize what i say.

how much time should i wait to battle? wrong, how much if i tell you this league race tue, thur and sat?
medal 5000
8 years 133 days ago
I am being serious, Whats the point in having levels if they are pointless?
lvl 19 verses lvl 13. Equal car design but lvl 13 should be fighting lvl 12 and 14 and never worrying about the level 19 as the level 19 has better KRS and DRS.
It's like Manor picking Mercedes as their main rival senseless, pick a rival at your level.

medal 5000
8 years 133 days ago
I am being serious, Whats the point in having levels if they are pointless?
lvl 19 verses lvl 13. Equal car design but lvl 13 should be fighting lvl 12 and 14 and never worrying about the level 19 as the level 19 has better KRS and DRS.
It's like Manor picking Mercedes as their main rival senseless, pick a rival at your level.

agreed but, we are not talking about cars, we are talking about drivers.
Toleman had Ayrton Senna in 1984, and Toleman should be my team level 12 :P well, NO.
i think we should have the same posibilities after some time in the game but... if you want an answer after calling my team "Manor" hahahahaha
That team Ligier Uruguay, had 3 consecutive championships before changing version. So i think it's more like Mercedes, don't you think?? LOL 2722 points in 91 races. do the math.
by the way, what level are you James? that you don't want level 13 fighting level 19??? :P lol just kidding. i'm not being serious now.

medal 5000
8 years 133 days ago
You have the same possibilities and when you have lvl 19's like me rolling around at the back of the grid you are leveling up faster by beating me opening the doors for closer racing later down the line.
medal 5000
8 years 133 days ago
i don't have those possibilities if i can't have a driver like his. that's not having the same possibilities.
but ok, i understand you. thanks.
medal 5000
8 years 133 days ago
@Dan : I think driver training should be uncapped for everyone like it was in old igp but as Jack said this is difficult with the token system and we have to take is into consideration. A solution that would make more sense would be to cap driver training regarding the tier of the league you're in and not your team level like it is already the situation for the car design.

Also don't forget drivers are less important than they were in old igp, now car design is the key as differences between cars are more important, another big difference is coming from the boosts (DRS/KERS), for example a high level team (18/20) has 50% more kers, it is a little faster and a better DRS than medium level teams (12/14).
medal 5000
8 years 133 days ago
agreed joey. i think that's fair. less level means less car (boos & kers). but drivers should have the possibility to keep training.
medal 5000
8 years 132 days ago
I do sympathize with Dan. He is level 12 in Elite and is the best of the rest. That is frustrating. But I don't think his drivers are going to make the difference. The Kers/ DRS differences will hold him back until he levels up. In a full league level 12 Kers/Drs versus level 15 can make 10 positions of difference . Even with equal car design.

The game seems to be going into the area of having only the higher level players capable of winning.
medal 5084 Super Mod
8 years 132 days ago
I do sympathize with Dan. He is level 12 in Elite and is the best of the rest. That is frustrating. But I don't think his drivers are going to make the difference. The Kers/ DRS differences will hold him back until he levels up. In a full league level 12 Kers/Drs versus level 15 can make 10 positions of difference . Even with equal car design.

The game seems to be going into the area of having only the higher level players capable of winning.

So is a solution to set up a league with a manager level cap, it's not a lot different to old iGP where certain leagues set a limit on initial car development. Any manager who levels up to beyond the limit is permitted to complete the season then has to move. If lower level managers want to join for the challenge that's their call but they shouldnt complain if they're way off the pace. The problem of course is that as soon as the host levels up to beyond the cap he/she would either have to lift the cap or be the host of a league in which they can't compete.
Is the answer for the developers to create a number of leagues with maximum elite manager levels?
medal 5000
8 years 132 days ago
I do sympathize with Dan. He is level 12 in Elite and is the best of the rest. That is frustrating. But I don't think his drivers are going to make the difference. The Kers/ DRS differences will hold him back until he levels up. In a full league level 12 Kers/Drs versus level 15 can make 10 positions of difference . Even with equal car design.

The game seems to be going into the area of having only the higher level players capable of winning.

thanks, and i agree. i'll have to wait to level up. meanwhile i'm enjoying the challenge.
there is no hurry, but it's something to think about.
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