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Strategy Tool

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medal 5000
11 years 326 days ago

This tool inspired me to make my own, much simpler tool (doesn't bother with the setup info, since that changes a fair bit from driver to driver). Contained entirely on one page/sheet, so all I have to do is feed in my own data from races (how much was left in the tyres and the tank, over how many laps) and the sheet does all the hard work for me there.

Then I just put in how many laps I want to do in a stint, and the sheet will tell me the rest (best tyre to use, how much fuel to put in). Also an option for how much of a 'safety net' worth of fuel I want to put in the cars.

Might even be persuaded to share it, maybe :P

*Updated with latest pic

Where can we down load it Matt

right here Gene

we miss you this season Gene .... but looks like you will make the pro tier next season :)
medal 5000
11 years 325 days ago
cant get the 1.5 to work can someone send to me on
please asap
medal 5000
11 years 325 days ago
do the 2nd tool Gene. not the 1st one. from the link that Gs has set above.
medal 5000
11 years 322 days ago
cant get the 1.5 to work can someone send to me on

please asap

lol, well long story short....

I blew up 2 power supplys, a graphics card & a motherboard, then done 3 months of 6 days a week nightshift [luckily i have it saved on google documents although it will be out of date as i havent played in a while] ... gonna get back into playing but since i'm 1 week 7am-3pm and next week 3pm-11pm i'm pretty sure i'm going to struggle to find a league

Any1 wanting the link to what i had previous / update me on whats new / give me new fuel/tyre/supplier information / show me what you've made [had a quick look at the pic for the tool on the 2nd page so pm me dude we should be able to work togethor and sort it out ;) ] or generally anything just pm me
medal 5000
11 years 312 days ago (edited 11 years 308 days ago)
Hi all.
Inspired for those 2 pioneers (Marius and Matt), i too made a tool to help manage the fuel, tyre, and pit-stops in igpmanager races.
"Stoled" some good ideas they had, and add a few of my own...

There are 2 versions, one almost fully automatic (just have to fill all data from previous races before using it - so maybe more for season 2 managers), and in the manually one you put in only the basic data, such as track laps, fuel consumption, pit-stops, and it gives you all you need to know to complete the race (also has a automatic section - for you "lazy" managers lol)

Both versions have a section to put in the data of the car configuration for the race.
The files are in 2 languages: English (default) and Portuguese (my own language). Just have to swipe it in the language section in the top (E - english, P - Portugues).

Hope you enjoy it !

LINKS ARE 4 POSTS DOWN (made a small actualization):

Manual version (fill data in the green cells):

Auto version: (change the gp number and laps % in blue cells above, fill needed data in the green cells, and fill fuel, tyre comsuption and pit-stops in the FUEL,TYRE and PIT-STOPS section below):

Any doubts, suggestions, you're welcome.

Ricardo (SpeedKing F1)

medal 5000
11 years 312 days ago
Hi Ricardo,

Sadly, filedropper is not compatible with MAC. Is it possible for you to post it somewhere else?

medal 5000
11 years 312 days ago
medal 5000
11 years 312 days ago
It did! O brigado!
medal 5000
11 years 310 days ago
iGPManager Race Tool v1.0

Made a correction in a formula to prevent pitting earlier when fuel is just too close...

Give some feedback if you've tried it...
medal 5000
11 years 309 days ago
Fantastic job !!! ive been trying to get the layout right in my spreadsheet i use and i jsut sucked at it lol (all the back end is nice and tidy) but as far as looks it yuk.. Your is fantastic !!!.

All i could see i would want as an addiiton would be Configuration for 2 cars teams as both drivers can be rather different with setups. Other than that so far so good. 
medal 5000
11 years 309 days ago
I already knew the configuration for 2 cars team would be 1 of the first things that should be asked to implement.
I'm thinking to work on it shortly.

I only race with 1 car, but someday in the future it's probably i go for 2 cars, so need to adapt the tool before...
medal 5000
11 years 305 days ago
Hi all.
Sooner than (even i) expected, i bring  to you the latest and updated version of the iGPManager Race Tool (now with a 2 driver version, as requested):

1 driver versions
- manual and semi-auto:

- mainly auto (requires full manual inputs of data from previous races, so best for second season managers):

2 driver version

Tell me your opinion about it...
medal 5000
11 years 305 days ago
stick with OpenOffice or googledocs!  MS is teh devil 8-)
medal 5000
11 years 305 days ago
Dam ricardo was very quick hehe..Thanks mate.. will ber trying it tonight (will let u know how i go)
medal 5000
11 years 305 days ago
what about an addition of wet weather tyres to pls

Is there a better Download, That file dropper thing is not very good, all ive managed to do is download adds. I cant even see where to DL the file from properly on that site.
medal 5000
11 years 305 days ago
Sorry Star Racing, i'm not quite understanding what do you mean with "addition of wet weather tyres to pls". Can you please explain in a more detailed way?

Also, please sugest some file sharing service who's more user friendly, and i'll put the files there.

medal 5000
11 years 305 days ago
@ricardo, actually not sure if there is a tab for wet weather tyres cause havnt DL'd yet.

medal 5000
11 years 304 days ago
Here it goes again...

1 driver:

2 drivers:

medal 5000
11 years 304 days ago
Thanks heaps Richardo.

Is there an expanition guide to its workings.

Also the drivers one #2, the fuel saftey net doesnt seem to have any effect when putting in a number.
medal 5000
11 years 304 days ago (edited 11 years 304 days ago)
I´ve tried just now and it works.

First you need to have the cell "fuel consumption" filled with some number, then when you put a number on "fuel safety net", it will always add that number of liters per stint at "Fuel (lit)" in both drivers under the table "PITS: GIVES FUEL".
Maybe you are using the AUTO version, which i left with some default data (not true data) in FUEL, TYRES & PITSTOPS section below, so you need to change it.

The working of it is very simple:
The bottom part, under the name of the tracks, its basically for storage of data. Its pretty self explanatory, those left tables tell you what data should be put in.

The upper part is where you put the data for the strategy you want for the race. The only cells where you can put valors are the GREEN, BLUE and PINK cells, then the file calculates the laps done, pits, fuel needed and so on.

Of course, you must change the Track Nº at top to correspond to the GP you are going to run, it calculates the total laps over the % runned (also must be manually put). That way, everybody from 25% to 100% races, can use the file.

The tire wear field it is more for you to see the max nº of laps the tyres hold on, so you plan the tyre strategy more easy (in order to give some feedback, must put tyre wear data in section FUEL, TYRES & PITSTOPS below).

In the AUTO version, for it to work properly, you MUST put all data from previous races BEFORE use it, or some calcs just won't work. So, its more suitable for managers that are in their second season (if they keeped data from 1st season, of course).

Hope this will help. Any more doubts, feel free to ask.
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