Jack Basford medal 5785 CEO & CTO 3 years 287 days ago (Last edited by
Jack Basford 3 years 287 days ago)
For all those who gave positive feedback and all those who are enjoying the update, thank you! The response has been overwhelmingly positive and this is just the beginning of a new chapter. It is the first few hours of day 1. Improvements will come potentially every day for weeks to come.
It is so laggy, sometimes the cars drive sideways and make some twitchy movements, and the cars overlap like crazy
mentioned in the FAQ, some overlapping is unavoidable at this time. It's a deeply complex technical challenge, and if you've played other manager games you'll see they avoid it by doing physics-defying moves. We preferred to keep the car movements more realistic and let them overlap for now (before someone shows me, yes, I know we have some unrealistic moves in the game for now, this is temporary, we know they exist, we're working on it). These are all behaviours we will be improving over time.
The current 3D is actually built on the old 2D system, which placed many constraints on 3D racing version 1.0. More substantial re-engineering of the system will take place in the months ahead to enable even better wheel-to-wheel racing and physics. This is the beginning.
There is no option to keep 2d visualization
In the web / mangement screens click your profile > Settings > change 'Race Viewer' to '2D'. The option is not inside the 3D viewer, you must change it before launching a race viewer, as it will load all the assets for either 2D or 3D depending on your choice.
edit: looks like igp announced the update to some media, didn't have time to get all set and just released the update the day they promised to not miss the hype.
To be honest we would have liked a few more days to work on it, but when the press release is out, dozens of people and articles are scheduled to work on it that day around the release. The news embargo is set in advance and lifted at that moment, so that's when you have to launch, otherwise news sites would be reporting on the update when it isn't out! The good news is most of the issues at launch we already knew about and they will be fixed rapidly in some of the first patches. We were already working on patches before even releasing the first version!
I loved races in 2d but this update I can't really race in 2d. The old 2d was beter!
The 3d are solid.
I suspect you're using "3D 2D", and not "2D 2D". Please follow my instructions above in this post to enable "old 2D" mode. Currently you can't launch in to old 2D from inside the 3D viewer.