Mitch Romley medal 5000 10 years 221 days ago
I have it ready but i'm waiting to complete the 17 races after the tyres have changed. It will be released in 24th of August.
Those who can't wait, just say and i'll send it as it is now...
Could you send it my way please?

Thorstein Klingenberg medal 5000 10 years 216 days ago
Send it my way as well, thklinge@online.no

Sam Pollock medal 5000 10 years 216 days ago
id like a copy if you could?

Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 216 days ago
I will post it here tomorrow...

Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 215 days ago
Hi all.
Here's the new version of mine (ours) iGPManager RaceTool.
In this new version (v3.3), i've added a column in the top section where you can put the desired push level (from 1 to 5, 1 being Take It Easy and 5 Take Big Risks) for every stint (because now we have 4 types of dry tyres and we don't use the same PL for every tyre/stint, so the fuel usage is also not the same for different tyres because of the push level - can't push with SS what you push with M or Hard, right?
If you leave the cells blank, it will consider the medium push level (3 - Competitive pace)
Also corrected some formulas in the results section that were giving errors if your results data input started in any other track than Australia.
Also updated the tyre wear from all tracks but Europe and Belgium (the only ones i haven't raced yet since the tyre update). Some tyre wear cells are blank because i didn't use those compounds in the respective tracks, so i don't know what's the tyre wear in those tracks.
Here are the links:
Hope you continue to like it. If you have ideas that i could/can implement and make the file even better, please share it with me.

Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 215 days ago
Here's how it works:
First, on top left, in the green cells, you put the league laps % (25% to 100%) and the nº of the GP (it's above the country flag - from 1 to 17).
The cells below automatically gives you some information related to laps, fuel and tyre (total GP track laps, lap/total fuel needed, tyre wear and the maximum nº of laps to do with tyre).
- to give you such information, first you must have the section "Fuel, Tyres and Pit-Stops" filled with values (right now those are filled with my personal data, you can change it to fit your case).
Still on top, there's the driver section.
On the medium blue cells, you put the nº of laps you want to do for every stint (this will give you the fuel you need and in what lap you will stop), or the amount of fuel you want to go with (this gives you how many laps you can do with that fuel).
Again, the last section, "Fuel, Tyres and Pit-Stops" must be filled with values, so it can calculate automatically.
New: in the yellow cells there's a column for Push Level (PL). Here you put the desired push level (from 1 to 5, 5 being Take Big Risks) for every stint, and it will calculate the fuel you need with more precision, depending on the PL you use - racing with SS you can't push so much as racing with M or H, right?
If you leave those cells blank, it will consider the medium push level (3 - stick to a competitive pace).
Below, there are 4 sections:
1st one is "Grand Prix Circuit Data". This one is just information about each GP track, as it's in iGP Manager.
2nd is "Qualification & Race", where you put the positions/times/points you've got on the races.
3rd is "Car Configuration", where you put the input your drivers tell you when they do the 5 test-runs (you can keep this data for future reference).
Last one, but not the least, is the section "Fuel, Tyres and Pit-Stops".
This is where you have the data to prepare the strategy for the race (fuel, tyre wear, pit-stops...). Especially fuel data is very important, so you should put in your medium fuel usage or what your tecnhical director says - only if he's normally right - (the formulas in the spreadsheet that calculates fuel/laps/pit-stops uses this fuel number to make his calculations).
In here you can save also your previous strategy or future strategy (laps to do, tyre to use, amount of fuel, in what lap to pit, nº of pit-stops - i reduced it to, for example: 9s37 - that is 9 laps, soft tyre, 37L)
Good races to you all.

Daniel Vellacott medal 5000 10 years 213 days ago
thanks for the latest update of the strategy tool Ricardo. with your fuel and tyre wear info would you mind letting me know what suplliers that is with as all suppliers are different, if you don't want to share that info i fully understand but would be really helpful. thanks again on putting the time and effort into creating this strategy tool

Sean Riley medal 5000 10 years 212 days ago
thanks for the latest update of the strategy tool Ricardo. with your fuel and tyre wear info would you mind letting me know what suplliers that is with as all suppliers are different, if you don't want to share that info i fully understand but would be really helpful. thanks again on putting the time and effort into creating this strategy tool
Donelots Tyres. From his profile
Engine and Fuel doesnt matter, simply follow whatever the Technical Director says for fuel usage.

Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 209 days ago
Hi guys... and girls.
I detected an error in fuel calculation when you race in high or very high tyre wear tracks at a low push level.
It happened to me in Italy.
I was out of fuel (not out of fuel, just pitted earlier than wanted) when i was racing in 1/5 push level all race long and the fuel calculations of my file gave me a 1L low than i needed to pit and end race with only 2 pit-stops. That was not the case... so i did 3 pit-stops, no need for that.
So, i'm already working and testing the formula so it won't happen again, and i'll post the file again, once corrected.
My advice in the meantime is if you're about to race in a high or very high tyre wear track, at a low push level (1/5 or 2/5), please add 1 more litter to what the file says, that would be enough.
In more higher push levels there's no problem with the formulas.

Sean Riley medal 5000 10 years 208 days ago
Thx for the info Ricardo.
*patiently waits for next epic version* ;)

Carlos Orellana medal 5000 10 years 206 days ago
Thanks for this.
Much nicer than my original spreadsheet!

Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 193 days ago
Hi all.
Here's the new version of iGPManager RaceTool (v3.5).
Changes since last version: updated some formulas related to fuel usage with some tyre compounds. I think the fuel calculations is working better than in previous version.
NOTE: If you leave the push level cells blank, it will always make the fuel calculations based in cell C7 (which is the data in line 53 - FUEL CONSUMPTION P/ LAP).
If you aren't a fuel freak (like me), or don't pay much attention to push level, leaving the push level cells blank is maybe the best way not to be out of fuel.
Here are the links:
Hope you like this version. Any doubts or errors on the file, please let me know.
Good races to you all.

Patrick Roper medal 5000 10 years 188 days ago
Hi all.
Here's the new version of iGPManager RaceTool (v3.5).
Changes since last version: updated some formulas related to fuel usage with some tyre compounds. I think the fuel calculations is working better than in previous version.
NOTE: If you leave the push level cells blank, it will always make the fuel calculations based in cell C7 (which is the data in line 53 - FUEL CONSUMPTION P/ LAP).
If you aren't a fuel freak (like me), or don't pay much attention to push level, leaving the push level cells blank is maybe the best way not to be out of fuel.
Here are the links:
Hope you like this version. Any doubts or errors on the file, please let me know.
Good races to you all.
Hi RIC, thnx for creating the race tool I am new to the game and I am finding your race tool very helpful. Are the numbers in the fuel, tyres & pit stops accurate my TD is givining me different numbers for fuel. Also where can I find the other numbers to put in there for tyres and laps? I havent raced this upcoming track and cant seem to find any numbers on it. Do you have to be a subscriber to view others numbers and setups? thnx again for the race tool and I appreciate any help.

Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 187 days ago
Innitially the low level TDs gives bad predictions on fuel, or 0.3 less or 0.3 more per lap. See what was the medium fuel usage in your last race and compare it to what it says in my file. Then you can see the difference between what Td says and real fuel. There's no subscribers on my file, is free for everyone. And there's values for Singapore race, just see below on the file. Maybe not for medium/hard tyres because i dont use them on my race, softs at low push are faster...
Good race.

Ross Brawn medal 5000 10 years 186 days ago
I tried your Spreadsheet Ricardo but I found that my tyres wouldnt last as long as they said on the spreadsheet. It said 10 Laps for soft around Malaysia but my driver only managed 8 Laps on them.

Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 185 days ago
Well, i use donelots. Probably your tyres have a higher wear rate or you've raced in a higher push level. Both of these would cause the tyres to Last less than What the file says. Update the data values for your case, as your go racing. Dont have data for any other tyres, sorry.

José Piña medal 5000 10 years 137 days ago
Hi all.
Here's the new version of iGPManager RaceTool (v3.5).
Changes since last version: updated some formulas related to fuel usage with some tyre compounds. I think the fuel calculations is working better than in previous version.
NOTE: If you leave the push level cells blank, it will always make the fuel calculations based in cell C7 (which is the data in line 53 - FUEL CONSUMPTION P/ LAP).
If you aren't a fuel freak (like me), or don't pay much attention to push level, leaving the push level cells blank is maybe the best way not to be out of fuel.
Here are the links:
Hope you like this version. Any doubts or errors on the file, please let me know.
Good races to you all.
thanx but i cant find any file in those links. :(

Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 136 days ago
Hi, probably they've expired. I will update them.
In the meanwhile you can send me your e-mail by PM, and 'll send it to you.

Devin Austin medal 5000 10 years 131 days ago
Can I get the v3.5 as well? Links aren't working