Jack Brabham medal 5064 7 years 108 days ago
In this morning's World Racing Championship league race (Brazil), just before the cutoff, the weather on the setup page was showing rain but the weather indicator on the home page was showing dry. Also, the setup recommendations seemed to be based on the home page (dry) even though the setup page was still showing rain. There seems to be a time lag between the two indicators.

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 7 years 107 days ago (Last edited by
Gustavo Heiden 4 years 67 days ago)
Jack, which icon in setup page you mean? Because there are 2 of them

Jack Brabham medal 5064 7 years 107 days ago
I can't remember :-( I think it was the bottom one next tot he setup button. Nevertheless, even in your example, it shows different weather conditions. I thought they were all supposed to be the same.

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 7 years 106 days ago
No, it's not, they are supposed to inform you that conditions have changed since your last practice lap.

Jack Brabham medal 5064 7 years 106 days ago
Right. OK. Good to know.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 106 days ago
No, it's not, they are supposed to inform you that conditions have changed since your last practice lap.
Double checked with Jack (Basford) on this and yes, this is the correct answer.

Fox Eliot medal 5000 7 years 71 days ago
Today, I encountered the same kind of problem. On the home page the weather is mentioned as dry and partially cloudly, so I went to Next Race to setup the cars and there lap time did not correspond at all to my records. I started practice with 10Cº dry cloudly weather and page refresh came with rainy weather, laptime and tire use unrealistic.

Fox Eliot medal 5000 7 years 71 days ago
Therefore, I do not have a clear idea of what my strategy will be.

Gavin Calthorpe medal 5000 7 years 71 days ago
Yes I had this too, also qualifying was clearly done in the wet on dry tires.

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 71 days ago
Same here, made a practice lap, and everywhere was good dry weather, but when the lap was completed it showed me that I did it in wet conditions. This happened a few times lately. Tomorrow I post some captures I made, right now I'm on the phone. Cheers

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 70 days ago (edited 7 years 66 days ago)
Here are my captures. On the first one noted with #1 on the image you can see the current weather.
In the second image, you can notice with #2 again the current weather, so I made a practice lap and I get a wet condition lap noted with #3.
So I went to the Race section to check the weather again as you can see on the third image and noted the condition with #4.
*BTW, how can I insert pictures properly in the posts?

Giuliano Guarino medal 5000 7 years 70 days ago
Yesterday in my setup page the weather indicator says rain. If i see a race of an other campionship in that circuit it was sunny! I lost a race because i startwith dry setup.

Giuliano Guarino medal 5000 7 years 70 days ago
It' s a good idea see the race to see the correct weather or is better see our page of weather? They era not the same..

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 70 days ago
No. De ninguna manera.
Conviene tener la configuracion de seco cuando llueve

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 67 days ago
It`s doing it again, please have a look, we cannot rely on actual system.

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 7 years 67 days ago
I have another example of totally wrong weather indication. My next race is Italy and I wanted to do my setup.
The setup screen is showing dry weather:
Also the weather prediction screen shows the same dry weather:
But when I looked to the times of the other players, I saw that someone using wet tyres was much faster than someone with SS tyres and I knew both times were set in the past few minutes because when I looked 3 minutes before, no one had set a practice lap yet:
So I went to view an ongoing race in Italy and there I see it is actually raining with 3.6mm of rain:

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 7 years 67 days ago
and now the setup page shows rain, so there is a clear delay in between the weather that is used and the weather that is shown on the page.

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 7 years 67 days ago (edited 7 years 66 days ago)
Now the home page shows that it's dry and the setup page also. I do one lap and see on the time that it is still wet. Also now, after the run, the setup page suddenly shows that it rains. And although all indicators show that the lap was done in the wet, my driver says my setup is perfect (I used the dry weather setup from last season).
When I go back to the home page, it still shows dry.
When I go again to the setup page, it shows again sunny weather. When I do another lap, it changes the icon to rain again...
And in a live race I see it's still raining and 3.6mm.

Frank Thomas medal 5000 Moderator 7 years 66 days ago
There's clearly different delays between servers or race instances. For example in the old league the Rookie race had most of the time a delay of 10-15mins after the iGP page changed its weather symbol and the Elite race was another 10-15 minutes behind the Rookie race.
The real trouble about this is the practice laps are a complete mess. It might be that for each lap a different random server is selected with it's own delay for weather, instead, as would be expected, one with fixed values that match the ones during the race.
But even then things might still bug out. For example during todays race the weather got itself stuck completely. According to a league mate rain stopped on WU just after race start. As I joined in about 15-20 mins after the start both WU and the iGP page showed dry weather, but in both the Pro and Elite races the rain just continued unchanged for the whole race of almost 2 hours.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 66 days ago
@Frank. I experienced the same at Monza tonight, it cost me big time. Maybe it would be a good idea to do what they did in the old game when weather was causing problems, turn it off until it is fixed.