David Brady medal 5000 12 years 332 days ago (edited 12 years 309 days ago)
Also if anyone can upload it anywhere better, please do so and post the link, its late and I cant be bothered searching the internet
Left most of the information for australia in it so you have a rough idea of how it works, although the screenshot is actually from a different version{ooooops}
Removed the calculations from below the drivers stats [although once u figure out what trains what it should be easy enough for you to add back and end up with similar to below... and before any1 gets any idea's on copying me, i'm pretty sure 2 or 3 of the 4 drivers are the same person [at different points in there career/estimated development/atrophy]

Removed design % data [work it out on your own and then add it back in]
Removed data from all other tracks [input your own fuel/tyre strategy data]
Removed my actual merchandise info [although the calculation still works]
Any questions on how it works, i suppose you should post in here
Anything you want added to it, reply here or give me a pm [any1 with a genuinly amazing idea will win a copy of the spreadsheet without everything removed lol]
Thanks to Marius for the original spreadsheet, I kept your name/link etc there, just changed version to 1.3
& whoever stickied it before me :)