Mason Everidge medal 5126 26 days ago (Last edited by
Mason Everidge 26 days ago)
What did you try to do?
Tried to save a setup for the race
What happened instead?
Get a error message saying “Save Failed: Invalid Inputs Detected”
Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?
Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?
What is the model of your device?
iPad Air Gen 9 IPhone 13 IPhone 7
What is the operating system?
What is the version number of the operating system?
18.1.1 (IPhone 13)
15.8.3 (IPhone 7)
18.3 (IPad Air Gen 9)
Can the bug be reproduced?
Unsure if there is anything unique about it
Additional comments:
All 3 devices have a different account

Ruymán Atique teimporta medal 5915 26 days ago
¿Qué has intentado hacer?
Save car setup (height, suspensions, etc)
¿Qué es lo que ocurrió?
It says: "Fields not valid detected" (in spanish: "Se ha detectado entradas no válidas")
¿El problema ocurrió mientras usaba wi-fi, datos móviles o ambos?
¿El error se produjo en la app, en PC o en ambos?
¿Cuál es el modelo de su dispositivo?
¿Qué sistema operativo posee?
¿Cuál es el número de versión del sistema operativo?
¿Qué sistema operativo posee su PC?
¿En qué navegador ha experimentado el problema?
¿Se puede reproducir el error?
Every time I try to save the setup. I managed to set the height and ailerons on pilot 1, not the suspension. I couldn't go through with pilot 2. This begun like 10 mins ago.
Comentarios adicionales:

Hakan Ahmed medal 5579 26 days ago
I am also having this very same issue and 6 tokens used for ideal set ups have been wasted as i cant save them

Ruymán Atique teimporta medal 5915 26 days ago
Exactly the same. Someone must have modified forms or db storage function just a couple of minutes ago, creating a failure. I hope this serves them to detect and undo the bug quickly.

Paul Akam medal 5286 26 days ago
Same so guessing its a current thing across the board

Ruymán Atique teimporta medal 5915 26 days ago
It appears so. I helps if you all click the "I also have the same problem" so they can identify the magnitude to decide in which bug work first.

Paul Akam medal 5286 26 days ago
Ill put this here for context. Same on Firefox, Chrome and the IGP app

Connor Cooper medal 5456 Super Mod 26 days ago
Apologies for any inconvenience this issue is causing.
I have escalated it to the developers for investigation.
Thank you.

José Trujillo medal 5396
Community Manager 26 days ago
Hey managers,
Give me a sec please, I’m on it.

Daniel Freire medal 5375 26 days ago
Exatamente a mesma coisa só que com Android e também na Web não está permitindo salvar.
Encontradas entradas inválidas...
E isso atrapalha as configurações para as corridas.

Hakan Ahmed medal 5579 26 days ago
Should be fine now.
still the same mate, nothing has changed

Alexandre Almeida medal 5158 26 days ago
Should be fine now.
No, on the PC it still keeps giving an error

Paul Akam medal 5286 26 days ago
Still occurring on my side

Hakan Ahmed medal 5579 26 days ago
my pc is working fine now

Alexandre Almeida medal 5158 26 days ago
on the PC it is already normal

Michele Alboreto medal 5824 26 days ago
Bit late for my race tokens waisted !!