Honestly, as harsh as this may sound and as much as it might cause issues, I feel like you're treating us as fools, as if we know nothing about the game and you know everything, as if you're trying to deceive us, and you contradict yourselves.
I'm passionate about this game as I can see you are. I want it to go for another 10 years. That is my aim with the update and I'm here because I value your opinions.
I stated the first counter-points that came to mind so I could see the strength of the points that came back. Mind-reading arguments have no weight, so let's put those to one side and focus on the facts so we can actually help address your concerns.
I can appreciate your scepticism after years in the wilderness for iGP, but we are emerging from that now and taking this next push very seriously. We will be rolling out patches and updates more rapidly than ever before. We have already been doing so silently every day since launch. The first week was tough, but things are pretty stable now and improving each day.
According to you, leagues now need 1/3 fewer managers to be full, and that's true
It is. That doesn't mean the remaining 2/3 are being filled at the rate we consider satisfactory. I only said Rookie was populating well, but there is a lot more we can do to improve the onboarding experience and to get them to leagues. We can see that too. It would be good to understand in your experience how frequently new people appeared in Pro before, as a reference.
In my case, my league went from averaging 4-5 new players per month (3 in rookie and 2 in professional) to 0 new players in the month of the update
Okay, now we're getting somewhere, that's useful to know.
On top of that, there are constant connection issues. You always use the excuse, "Our servers are running 10/10, the problem is your connection."
I'm trying to read this feedback seriously. It doesn't help when every other sentence is a fictional quote or character assassination. In the next reply, leave this out so we can focus.
It's impossible to maintain the connection throughout the entire race.
Genuinely, we are not aware of problems like this. We need more context to what you're experiencing. If you could create a bug report with detailed information like how long you can stay connected etc. and what happens when it disconnects (e.g. is it when you go between apps? that can interrupt the connection). I think this is a subject for another thread though, this is about populating leagues.
Point 4: Players are being pressured to spend money on tokens. I don't know if you've noticed (though I think you have, since you've calculated everything perfectly)
Here's what I said above:
Some of the balancing quirks you’re seeing are not intended. [...] If you’ve seen our recent discussion on 2-car leagues, you’ll know we’re actively looking into balancing at the moment.
Here's another (real) quote from me in the thread I'm referring to:
I’m aware that the higher tiers have felt the impact of all the game economy and balancing adjustments, so I want to address that.
by not racing in leagues, the factory doesn't produce parts, and engines aren't restored
Rookies get parts every race and engines every 20 races from Sprint Races. Above Level 10 these things are only earned from leagues.
It makes no sense to say the game is balanced
Just to be clear, I haven't said that, and I think you made some good points in this part of your post. Noted. This is what I was looking for when I made my counter-points, not to dismiss the concerns or belittle them, as it was interpreted.
How is a friend who knows the game supposed to join me in a sprint lobby if I don't have any friends in the game?
Message them to "join the lobby" then you both appear. What am I missing here? If it's a private lobby, you send them the lobby link. In iGP 2025 you can effectively join your friend in the rookie tier and show them the ropes. Admittedly, it requires using another chat app to do so, but I don't understand why you think it's impossible or "ridiculous" what I said.
Additionally, let's say someone does what you suggest and guides a friend they invited. That person has to spend parts and engines to teach their friend, which is illogical because they're saving everything for their own league. Do you realize how bad that sounds? This is something the game should do on its own.
Alright, we're back to another good point between the noise. I appreciate this stuff.
We, as league administrators, have a better record of what's happening in iGP than you do.
On the micro level probably, not the macro level. That's why it's good to combine our perspectives in discussions like this. I've learned some things and that's why I am here. I can also see many things when I am reading your post that you are not aware of.
There is one fundamental contradiction in what you're saying. If everything is dying as you say, then I have nothing to gain by trying to deceive you. I cannot "win" by crashing the plane into the ground while trying to convince the passengers we're going up. The only way I can gain anything from this discussion is by learning and addressing your concerns. That's my real motivation, and what I'm here for.
I've taken a few points on board, thanks for being passionate enough about the game to write this post. We're on it.