Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 8 years 113 days ago (edited 8 years 113 days ago)
Leave it as it is, staff and drivers leave the team when you get relegated, as they see themselves too good for a lower division. It's not to unlike Football some players demand it in their contracts.
But as you said later in your post, people invest energy and resources in to their drivers. Removing them doesn't go down well. I thought people would feel the same way about their progress through the tiers, but clearly many don't value that as much.
The suggestion to put drivers/staff "on ice" after relegation is an interesting one, but doesn't work as well in practice as in theory. At what level do they get locked out? And if people can't afford the contracts they will say it's a scheme to extract tokens via investments, and not appreciate that we're just trying to balance the game. These are all the little consequences I always have to consider, and this is why the obvious answer isn't always the right one from the big picture perspective.
To be kick out a league must be a option that the leaguemanger can turn on ore off. Maybe even for every team individual. I run in a league whit some friends.
As I've been saying, any league can de-activate promotion and relegation which would allow a group of friends to remain racing together indefinitely. With the level cap removed (also in the proposal) they could also play the game to "completion" together, regardless of which tier they are in.
I can see from the replies that there is some resistance. Personally, I didn't realise so many active, enthusiastic players were sitting in relegation zones, so that has been an eye-opener. The feedback in this thread goes against the perception some people have that leagues aren't full of active players, clearly many are.
I can bet the reactions would be very different if I'd said "how about anyone relegating loses their drivers and staff?", then most replies would probably be suggesting something like the proposal, ironically. But I put this up for discussion to see how people felt about it, and I'm glad, it has opened my eyes to new perspectives.