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Proposal: Remove relegation to achieve balance

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medal 5190
8 years 113 days ago
To be kick out a league must be a option that the leaguemanger can turn on ore off. Maybe even for every team individual. I run in a league whit some friends. Then i would be bad if i be kick out because i have a off season.
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
First season for me not really in a position to comment. But really good game
medal 5160
8 years 113 days ago
I'm playing 3 different games at the moment, what this one has that the others don't is the ability to set up a league with a bunch of friends. I don't think kicking from a league is the way to go.

If relegated teams are too strong and promoted teams are too weak (I think this is the main issue?) then maybe it would be possible to use team morale as a balancing factor.

ie promoted teams are quicker than they normally would be and relegated teams are slower for 1 season.

medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
How would the system actually work though?
If you have the elite tier lose two teams but get two teams from pro that would make them full, right?
So theoretically it would be impossible to go back to an elite tier if you were in elite and got relegated.
This also happens in pro but not rookie.
I'm sure if this is correct by the way...
medal 4926
8 years 113 days ago
how bout that get put down but have to get new drivers at that level, but can put their lvl 20 guys on the bench until they move back up. right now you can have 4 drivers on your team. so if you get relegated put the level 20 guys on that team test team and make them pick up that tier level drivers.

that way the only advantage is that they have good equipment
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
keep it as it is and just get shot of the entire capping system as it dont help new teams as most teams join a league and then simply never sign in again anyway (just the same as the old version)
The old game had no cap and was fine i would rather have had the new race's etc than the caps as it seems strange to have a new version yet not update the races.
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
plus under the new proposals you would end up with a game that consists of 80% elite teams as once u got to elite u could never go down again so it would be kinda dumb.
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
any chance of instead having more teams per division
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
I don't like the idea at all. Personally, i enjoy the league where i'm in and i'd have no idea of where i'd rather be "next season" if i get relegated. The concept of moving from tier to tier like a soccer team is nice, in the end. Also i notice that players close to relegation sometimes give in and choose to leave the league on their own to find an easier one, so there's no actually need to change anything. Even if relegated, i'd be motivated in getting in elite again. Then, if my team is sent in another random league, how do i rejoin my previous one? Do i need another promotion elsewhere? And what if all slots are taken and i can't be back? Nah, i think it's too confusing. Please, let everything as it is!
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
Clearly define what an "uncompetitive" team is and only execute this rule when it applies to the to be relegated teams. And probably not apply it at elite level.
I think you need to find other ways to keep things competitive and fun, especially on pro/elite. Add more random impulses like blown tyres, external technology boosts, driver private life influence, fines,... Things that can reshuffle the balance so halfway the season it can still be fun in the game. If your not going to win the season at least you will enjoy the top team not finishing a few races.

In my user experience I was accidenty promoted from rookie to pro (the actual to be promoted teams left before the end of the season) I managed to adapt in a few seasons and this season i am like Mercedes, barely challenged on my way to elite. But what will happen once i join elite? I end up in relegation and get kicked out the league?
Do you want to stimulate league hopping? I'd probably not return to the same league. It will have a bad influence on league community building... If I would have friends in my league, i would prefer to delegate rather than sit out a season somewhere i wouldnt want to be...

medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
how bout that get put down but have to get new drivers at that level, but can put their lvl 20 guys on the bench until they move back up. right now you can have 4 drivers on your team. so if you get relegated put the level 20 guys on that team test team and make them pick up that tier level drivers.

that way the only advantage is that they have good equipment

That's a great idea; however, if that was what was decided on then I would rather have to slots expanded to 6-8 so when the level 20's are locked due to the lower tier they are able to be replaced by Pro type drivers and pretty much on each team have sets being Elite, Pro, and Rookie sets with caps on those drivers maybe with talent or something like that so they aren't as competitive as a Elite team while in Pro. Though the only problem I foresee with that would be the money since most don't have the money to pay for 4-6 drivers I know I sure don't so the only thing I can think of is when a driver gets locked you don't pay them and can't use them but that's not very realistic and may harm some newer people. Personally I like it more the way it is since Elites relegated down make Pro people earn the promotion.
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
I don't like this idea at all. I race in a league and i'm a part of the community. The idea of not being able to race with them is worse then being relegated by far. Also The league is almost always full (Literally 2 people feft the other day and within a few hours the placed had been snapped up). If I got removed from the league at the end of a season I may not be able to rejoin for weeks. Perhaps even months.
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
i think that is not the problem of actually IGP.
we need better races, no all "le tour de france".
in case of tiers i think should be max 22cars MAX per race, with this solution more leagues appears.
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
I would love to keep it the same. I dont like that new proposal. Yes I can see the point about teams having drivers which are well above the level of the retrospective division but for me personally, it would be a kick in the teeth if you were trying your hardest in elite but still get relegated, you will then lose your position in the league. I would agree with a couple of comments however to implement this rule in. Have it where the relegation ruling can be switched between the current way and the proposed new way (league manager can decide which they would like) or then the manager has the option to remove the players at the end the season of which has been relegated.

Personally though, I dont like the proposal very much.
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
It's a great idea! I agree! :-)
medal 5067
8 years 113 days ago
I think smart management should be rewarded. Don't try to level things out too much. Its supposed to be challenging. As long as a manager can figure out a good strategy and have a little bit of luck. Winning should be difficult.

As far as relegation to a different league, I'm unsure about this. The only reason I have chosen my league is that it suits my circumstances - time slot, frequency and number of players etc. If I was to get bounced to another league not of my choosing, I don;t know if would want to continue the game. It would all depend on time zones and frequency etc.
medal 5638
8 years 113 days ago
I'd say this idea is not good, for reasons others have already voiced (being part of a community in your league, and league actually being full all the time so not getting back). I think best way to address the problem is what was said couple of posts earlier, when you get relegated you should be able to put your elite level drivers to "ice", not pay them anything or maybe even loan them to some team where they can drive (obviously make it so that the receiving team knows that they are only keeping the drivers for as long as you're in lower division, and obviously the receiving team would need to pay some kind of fee to get the drivers).
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
Leave it as it is, staff and drivers leave the team when you get relegated, as they see themselves too good for a lower division. It's not to unlike Football some players demand it in their contracts.

Drivers too should have bonus payments in their contracts, winning the championship Driver 1 & winning the constructors Driver 2

You dont want to force drivers & staff to leave teams because people invest time, effort & tokens into them, maybe if they invested more time in racing they would avoid relegation lol
medal 5241 CEO & CTO
8 years 113 days ago (edited 8 years 113 days ago)
Leave it as it is, staff and drivers leave the team when you get relegated, as they see themselves too good for a lower division. It's not to unlike Football some players demand it in their contracts.

But as you said later in your post, people invest energy and resources in to their drivers. Removing them doesn't go down well. I thought people would feel the same way about their progress through the tiers, but clearly many don't value that as much.

The suggestion to put drivers/staff "on ice" after relegation is an interesting one, but doesn't work as well in practice as in theory. At what level do they get locked out? And if people can't afford the contracts they will say it's a scheme to extract tokens via investments, and not appreciate that we're just trying to balance the game. These are all the little consequences I always have to consider, and this is why the obvious answer isn't always the right one from the big picture perspective.

To be kick out a league must be a option that the leaguemanger can turn on ore off. Maybe even for every team individual. I run in a league whit some friends.

As I've been saying, any league can de-activate promotion and relegation which would allow a group of friends to remain racing together indefinitely. With the level cap removed (also in the proposal) they could also play the game to "completion" together, regardless of which tier they are in.

I can see from the replies that there is some resistance. Personally, I didn't realise so many active, enthusiastic players were sitting in relegation zones, so that has been an eye-opener. The feedback in this thread goes against the perception some people have that leagues aren't full of active players, clearly many are.

I can bet the reactions would be very different if I'd said "how about anyone relegating loses their drivers and staff?", then most replies would probably be suggesting something like the proposal, ironically. But I put this up for discussion to see how people felt about it, and I'm glad, it has opened my eyes to new perspectives.
medal 5000
8 years 113 days ago
I am a totally new player in this game and I love it! I'm just playing for fun and enjoy the majority of the nice features.

I must say that i'm really not sure to properly understand how the league system is all working. So my opinion would not be really useful here I guess. The only thing I could say, is that the cassification system from iRacing is somehow really good to ''classify'' players with matching levels.

I'll follow this thread carefully and shime in with more opinions when I'll understand how iGP is working. : )
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