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Proposal: Remove relegation to achieve balance

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medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
Having had to take a 6ish month break from igp I know full well about being relegated and am only now after a further 6 months being properly competitive again. This is because I found a league that was super active, with those competing in the league all being extremely respectful in regards to the racing side of things to each other, which makes for excellent competition. Albeit, a competition where some very active players are trailing around at the back, or in 10th/11th as well as those and the very sharp end of the race.

To permanently drop someone out of a league would not be the way to go as this punishes the players that dont yet have the experience they need in a new tier to be competitive.

I do have a couple of ideas for you though. Could you have a system that gives newly promoted teams a boost in development points so that their car is not permanently stuck at the back of the field, yet still giving them the choice on how they develop the car.

Could you also boost the experience gained from each race for a newly promoted team, this would also give these teams a better chance of staying in the higher tier once they've made it there.

As for capping tiers, could a scale of a level 5 cap for rookie, 10 for pro and 20/uncapped for elite work, or something along those lines.

You could also do the reverse of the boost for promoted teams for relegated teams so they for a season have lowered development and experience gains.

Not sure if that helps at all, but I feel that it's a suggestion that could help
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
I get what you are trying to do and I do not believe that it is a good idea for most of the reasons stated above.

My solution would (if relegated) be as follows:
1. Lose your driver - need to hire one for the new level you relegate to (Pro or Rookie)
2. Your facilities are downgrades for that level - they are still at the higher level in the background for when you again promote, so no need to rebuild)

This is fairer and effects every in that situation plus you do not lose any of the things you have built up over the seasons.

I also makes it harder for those jumping from league to league and or elite to pro to elite.

Just my 2 cents worth.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
I have just started playing IGP manager but there is an App called "Team Racing Manager" that i have been playing for over a year.
They have that system you are thinking about (in that game 1-5 moves up to the next level/league and 16-20 moves down). The difference is that 1 day is qualifier, and the next day is race day.
At the end of the Season you have a few days to prepare for next season, in this case my guess is it takes a few days for the game to make the adjustments.
Hope this helps!
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
My two penneth as we have a league structure that has ebb'd and flowed for some seasons now.

Personally, i think that having the option of removing promotion and relegation from any of the competitive leagues is a mistake. If people want the friendly social 'mates gathering' then they can use the proposed social thingy - this is a competitive community game and promotion/relegation needs to be the minimum for all leagues (unless numbers are woefully low in a league etc.).

I would be against the 'removed from the league instead of relegated' idea simply because it may become impossible for a manager to get back into the league they want to race in (whether they want to race there because its convenient or because they like the other managers). That doesnt really encourage a manager to kick around and we need all the active managers we can find to have a strong game.

Personally, i don't see the value in these tweaks to a system that, on the whole, isnt all that bad anyway. Just my thoughts.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
Seems like a good idea to me.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
All ok for me if the option, disable promotion and relegation is set to my league, so i can decide upon it my self.
Also set a variable so the owner of the league donn't be kicked out.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
I think this would be unfiar with those managers who are not so good in racing.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
you should stay in competitive leagues to take on and learn where the car needs to improve...
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
No i am against this new rule that will make it in a way easier and in another way harder
medal 5592
8 years 112 days ago
What happens if the relegated team is the team of the league manager?
medal 5241 CEO & CTO
8 years 112 days ago (edited 8 years 112 days ago)
After giving this some more thought overnight, I think it's clearly unpopular to implement it as proposed in the OP, so I doubt we will do that now unless there is a eureka moment or new idea to improve it. Thanks for all the feedback, keep it coming and we'll see where we end up. It's always fun to bounce ideas around and this is part of the job I really enjoy, working with you guys to come up with an idea we all like.

What happens if the relegated team is the team of the league manager?

It doesn't really matter, the host of a league doesn't have to be in the league.

So my suggestion: Remove the hard level cap and replace it with a soft level cap. By soft level cap i mean, that the attributes of your building/staff stay the same, but should be calculated with the level cap. So for example, if a level20 manager will get demoted to Pro. His headquarter and staff, will already be level 20. But they would react like a level12 building/driver. So the Designfacility should have a level 20 (12). The number in bracket would be the level cap of the league. So this Design facility would produce 12 Design Points in Pro, and after he got promoted back to elite, it will again produce 20 design points.

At the moment, I quite like this idea. Then we could still "uncap" levels within leagues as I was proposing and people could get their levels slightly above the cap before promotion, still achieving the "smooth transition" I was referring to in the OP. It would also resolve the relegation situation.

To put it simply, if a level 20 manager is in Rookie, he's only going to have the performance of a level 8 manager. If the level 20 manager was in Pro, he could only achieve the performance of a level 12 manager (these are the current level cap numbers). But once he promotes to Elite, his full 20 levels of performance are available.

My reservation about the idea is that it will probably require a lot of warnings and information in the GUI to show you that you are only getting 8 levels of performance in Rookie and 12 in Pro, using this scenario. Again, I think this will be slightly more confusing to people than the proposed system, but it is simple enough that I don't think it's overwhelming like some other ideas. I could also see people complaining that it is unrealistic, though. It seems every solution will have its drawbacks and compromises, so it's a case of which compromises we're willing to accept as a community to reach a solution.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
After giving this some more thought overnight, I think it's clearly unpopular to implement it as proposed in the OP, so I doubt we will do that now unless there is a eureka moment or new idea to improve it. Thanks for all the feedback, keep it coming and we'll see where we end up. It's always fun to bounce ideas around and this is part of the job I really enjoy, working with you guys to come up with an idea we all like.

What happens if the relegated team is the team of the league manager?

It doesn't really matter, the host of a league doesn't have to be in the league.

So my suggestion: Remove the hard level cap and replace it with a soft level cap. By soft level cap i mean, that the attributes of your building/staff stay the same, but should be calculated with the level cap. So for example, if a level20 manager will get demoted to Pro. His headquarter and staff, will already be level 20. But they would react like a level12 building/driver. So the Designfacility should have a level 20 (12). The number in bracket would be the level cap of the league. So this Design facility would produce 12 Design Points in Pro, and after he got promoted back to elite, it will again produce 20 design points.

At the moment, I quite like this idea. Then we could still "uncap" levels within leagues as I was proposing and people could get their levels slightly above the cap before promotion, still achieving the "smooth transition" I was referring to in the OP. It would also resolve the relegation situation.

To put it simply, if a level 20 manager is in Rookie, he's only going to have the performance of a level 8 manager. If the level 20 manager was in Pro, he could only achieve the performance of a level 12 manager (these are the current level cap numbers). But once he promotes to Elite, his full 20 levels of performance are available.

My reservation about the idea is that it will probably require a lot of warnings and information in the GUI to show you that you are only getting 8 levels of performance in Rookie and 12 in Pro, using this scenario. Again, I think this will be slightly more confusing to people than the proposed system, but it is simple enough that I don't think it's overwhelming like some other ideas. I could also see people complaining that it is unrealistic, though. It seems every solution will have its drawbacks and compromises, so it's a case of which compromises we're willing to accept as a community to reach a solution.

Arguably that last suggestion is more appropriate to the game than the auto-removal option. Relegation should be an integral part of the league structure, so keeping it and simply having some form of reduced 'influence' would be good. Your suggestion certainly works and should be easy enough to understand.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
The problem is that everything in the game is bought for money. I developed gradually, and someone just started playing, all bought and wins almost every race.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
I would say if people who have recently joined the league and if they are in elite division and with less development on thier car they might get relegated in pro league so its bad in that manner but i would say relegation from Pro Division should be removed and it should be kept in elite division thats my personal opinion!!
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
I have just started playing IGP manager but there is an App called "Team Racing Manager" that i have been playing for over a year.
They have that system you are thinking about (in that game 1-5 moves up to the next level/league and 16-20 moves down). The difference is that 1 day is qualifier, and the next day is race day.
At the end of the Season you have a few days to prepare for next season, in this case my guess is it takes a few days for the game to make the adjustments.
Hope this helps!

This looks like a good idea!!
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
its an interesting idea Jack my problem with it is that if you kick a team that was in the bottom 2 it would be really hard for that team to actually join back with the other league if they get kicked out because if relegation's are on one could assume that the league that this team was kicked from would be full. So with that in place a lot of the people from my league have been in it for at least 7 seasons and so for a lot of us we are just good friends at this point so it would almost suck especially since for me I was keeping some Pro teams in there to keep promotions active until relegations got activated from Elite so I could kick some of the inactives there
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
I like the idea of a soft cap someone mentioned a few posts ago. Say someone that's level 15 or so gets relegated to pro, they would just have their development soft capped at 12 (or whatever the cap is. Ive been absent for a couple years). They would still be able to continue and develop their facilities and whatnot, but it would be soft capped at whatever the max cap is for that division. Recently promoted teams may have a better chance at staying up as they wont have their development nerfed after they go down. They would still be able to advance their team.

It wouldn't really change anything within the division, but it would allow people to be better equipped for the next division if they were to go up.

I could be wrong about all this as it has been a while, but it doesn't seem right to not be able to develop past a certain point due to your division.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
I think there is a general consensus for the 'soft cap' for teams relegated, so that's probably worth pursuing further.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
It just seems to be a huge setback to get demoted and then have all your development essentially halt for a whole season if youre above the cap.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
I disagree with this strongly
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