James Greer medal 5000 8 years 112 days ago (edited 8 years 112 days ago)
So my suggestion: Remove the hard level cap and replace it with a soft level cap. By soft level cap i mean, that the attributes of your building/staff stay the same, but should be calculated with the level cap. So for example, if a level20 manager will get demoted to Pro. His headquarter and staff, will already be level 20. But they would react like a level12 building/driver. So the Design facility should have a level 20 (12). The number in bracket would be the level cap of the league. So this Design facility would produce 12 Design Points in Pro, and after he got promoted back to elite, it will again produce 20 design points.
At the moment, I quite like this idea. Then we could still "uncap" levels within leagues as I was proposing and people could get their levels slightly above the cap before promotion, still achieving the "smooth transition" I was referring to in the OP. It would also resolve the relegation situation.
To put it simply, if a level 20 manager is in Rookie, he's only going to have the performance of a level 8 manager. If the level 20 manager was in Pro, he could only achieve the performance of a level 12 manager (these are the current level cap numbers). But once he promotes to Elite, his full 20 levels of performance are available.
My reservation about the idea is that it will probably require a lot of warnings and information in the GUI to show you that you are only getting 8 levels of performance in Rookie and 12 in Pro, using this scenario. Again, I think this will be slightly more confusing to people than the proposed system, but it is simple enough that I don't think it's overwhelming like some other ideas. I could also see people complaining that it is unrealistic, though. It seems every solution will have its drawbacks and compromises, so it's a case of which compromises we're willing to accept as a community to reach a solution.
This is what we are used to and the way the older version of iGP was.
Drivers and staff remained in the team, training effects were limited because of lower tier. (but it wasn't :P)
Low level managers could hire high level staff and drivers and train Drivers up to the highest level.
So we are going back to this?
Headquarters can be leveled up to you level regardless of tier, only the outputs of the headquarters get limited to the tiers cap.
Managers level 8+ can buy and train drivers up to the highest level.